Nick Taylor-Vaisey

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Nick Taylor-Vaisey.

Kirsty Duncan’s clarion call

Kirsty Duncan’s clarion call

‘NOT DAMN GOOD ENOUGH’ — KIRSTY DUNCAN says there is no time to wait. Not for tenure or…

A Justin Trudeau Ally Nearly Quit the Party Over its Israel Policy

A Justin Trudeau Ally Nearly Quit the Party Over its Israel Policy

Justin Trudeau near­ly lost a loy­al Lib­er­al law­mak­er amid ris­ing inter­nal…

The Canadian behind the West’s massive sanctions on Russia says it’s time for Round 2

The Canadian behind the West’s massive sanctions on Russia says it’s time for Round 2

Chrys­tia Free­land is in her ele­ment in Davos. That was obvi­ous when Canada’s deputy…

Love it or list it: Canada’s most famous fixer-upper

Love it or list it: Canada’s most famous fixer-upper

You might think dead rodents in the walls of the Cana­di­an prime minister’s offi­cial…