Paul Wells

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Paul Wells.

"Delivering the absolute best future"

"Delivering the absolute best future"

Justin Trudeau wants an elec­tion about his val­ues. I’m going to devote two posts to…

Small sticks: Poilievre's housing bill would have had almost no effect on home construction. If it even worked.

Small sticks: Poilievre's housing bill would have had almost no effect on home construction. If it even worked.

I con­tin­ue to be amused by the wide­spread belief that Pierre Poilievre has said almost…

'No public events scheduled.' The PM is on a national campaign tour. He lies about it every day - Paul Wells

'No public events scheduled.' The PM is on a national campaign tour. He lies about it every day - Paul Wells

Here’s Justin Trudeau at the Salde­nah Mas Camp in Toron­to on July 18. Vol­un­teers…

Should the Senate block the notwithstanding clause?

Should the Senate block the notwithstanding clause?

I think a sleep­er issue, in our age of polit­i­cal tur­moil, is the ques­tion of…

Benefit of hindsight - Feel free to start coming back any time, big guy

Benefit of hindsight - Feel free to start coming back any time, big guy

Well, of course I saw it com­ing all along. What kind of fool could have imag­ined…

Poilievre takes the dare When springing a trap, try not to give six weeks' notice

Poilievre takes the dare When springing a trap, try not to give six weeks' notice

Some­body should write a book about Justin Trudeau and box­ing metaphors. One…

A matter of expectations - Alberta and opioids III: You can't always just stop

A matter of expectations - Alberta and opioids III: You can't always just stop

Street fam­i­ly My tour guide for much of my vis­it to Edmon­ton was Dr. Mon­ty Ghosh,…

Alberta's system builder - Alberta and opioids II: Marshall Smith's ambitious campaign

Alberta's system builder - Alberta and opioids II: Marshall Smith's ambitious campaign

The Alber­ta mod­el, made in BC ​“I, as you know, have been every­where in this field,…

Justin Trudeau has thrived on being counted out. Now he’s facing tougher odds than ever

Justin Trudeau has thrived on being counted out. Now he’s facing tougher odds than ever

What’s ahead for Canada’s long-serv­ing prime min­is­ter and the gov­ern­ment he…

Justin Trudeau didn’t start the fire. But the Prime Minister helped stoke Canada’s political polarization

Justin Trudeau didn’t start the fire. But the Prime Minister helped stoke Canada’s political polarization

Justin Trudeau led the fed­er­al Lib­er­als into the 2015 elec­tion on a promise to…

Meals on wheels - A traveling prime minister offers to work with provinces. Later.

Meals on wheels - A traveling prime minister offers to work with provinces. Later.

One tries to guard against cheap cyn­i­cism. On Mon­day the Prime Min­is­ter of Cana­da…

Not justified and unreasonable - A narrow defeat for Trudeau on the Emergencies Act

Not justified and unreasonable - A narrow defeat for Trudeau on the Emergencies Act

As vic­to­ries go, I’ve seen big­ger. Fed­er­al Court Jus­tice Richard Mosley spends…

Poking the swells - Pierre Poilievre wants you to know who he doesn't like

Poking the swells - Pierre Poilievre wants you to know who he doesn't like

You can tell whether a politi­cian thinks he’s made a gaffe by what he does…

"It's taking away from readiness"

"It's taking away from readiness"

A top offi­cer in the Cana­di­an Armed Forces says work at home makes work abroad…

A "generational challenge" in naval readiness

A "generational challenge" in naval readiness

That was a hell of a video that Vice Admi­ral Angus Top­shee, the Com­man­der…

Toomas Ilves on living in Russia's shadow

Toomas Ilves on living in Russia's shadow

Did you know Skype was Eston­ian? At least that’s the sto­ry I heard on my first…

The Fool: Pierre Poilievre knows this is a show. For now it gives him power.

The Fool: Pierre Poilievre knows this is a show. For now it gives him power.

1. The dumb scrum One rea­son I don’t like to play along with sub­scribers who…

The Fool: Pierre Poilievre knows this is a show. For now it gives him power.

The Fool: Pierre Poilievre knows this is a show. For now it gives him power.

1. The dumb scrum. One rea­son I don’t like to play along with sub­scribers who…

Our dumb country (an occasional series)

Our dumb country (an occasional series)

Read­ers should be warned that today’s post will take the form of a ​“shag­gy dog…

Green shifting: Carbon taxes are hard. The Liberals have blown hot and cold for years.

Green shifting: Carbon taxes are hard. The Liberals have blown hot and cold for years.

I think the best way I can make sense of Justin Trudeau’s sur­pris­ing tac­ti­cal…

This Quebec university tuition thing

This Quebec university tuition thing

I man­aged to get on the phone with Gra­ham Carr ear­li­er this week. He’s the…