Political Pulse Panel

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Political Pulse Panel.

What can we expect from parliamentarians this summer?

What can we expect from parliamentarians this summer?

The House of Com­mons is adjourned for the sum­mer and MPs will return to Ottawa in…

Political Pulse Panel: Federal leaders differ on intelligence report implications

Political Pulse Panel: Federal leaders differ on intelligence report implications

Par­ty insid­ers dis­cuss a week of rev­e­la­tions, con­fu­sion and con­tra­dic­tion…

Political Pulse Panel: How does the Trump verdict impact Canadian politics?

Political Pulse Panel: How does the Trump verdict impact Canadian politics?

The Polit­i­cal Pulse Pan­el unpacks this week in fed­er­al politics.

MPs debate high cost of food; fallout over allegations made in Sask. legislature | Political Pulse

MPs debate high cost of food; fallout over allegations made in Sask. legislature | Political Pulse

The Com­pe­ti­tion Bureau has launched inves­ti­ga­tions into the par­ent com­pa­nies of…

Political Pulse Panel: Parties try to gain edge over break using wedge issues

Political Pulse Panel: Parties try to gain edge over break using wedge issues

The polit­i­cal pulse pan­el dis­cuss­es fed­er­al spar­ring amongst oth­er top sto­ries…

Political Pulse: Tensions rise in Parliament over safer drug supply and abortion rights

Political Pulse: Tensions rise in Parliament over safer drug supply and abortion rights

Three par­ty insid­ers dis­cuss how the tone of debate in Par­lia­ment has hit tox­ic new…

Political Pulse Panel: This week in federal politics

Political Pulse Panel: This week in federal politics

Two big devel­op­ments on for­eign med­dling in Cana­da this week: police made arrests in…

Why are the Liberals struggling to sell their economic plan to Canadians?

Why are the Liberals struggling to sell their economic plan to Canadians?

Three par­ty insid­ers join Pow­er & Pol­i­tics to help unpack how the…

Political Pulse panel: Federal budget, ArriveCan, labour union pushback

Political Pulse panel: Federal budget, ArriveCan, labour union pushback

The pan­el unpacks the 2024 fed­er­al bud­get as well as more polit­i­cal high­lights of…

Political Pulse Panel: Carbon tax partisan split and foreign interference

Political Pulse Panel: Carbon tax partisan split and foreign interference

Fred DeLorey, the for­mer cam­paign man­ag­er for the Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty of Cana­da,…

Political Pulse Panel: What can Canadians expect from the 2024 federal budget?

Political Pulse Panel: What can Canadians expect from the 2024 federal budget?

Cana­di­ans will get a look at the state of fed­er­al finances when Deputy Prime…

Political Pulse Panel: MPs are in Ottawa for a week of March madness

Political Pulse Panel: MPs are in Ottawa for a week of March madness

From high­ly amend­ed motions to a Lib­er­al MP ques­tion­ing his place with­in the…

Premiers or the PM — who will win the battle over the carbon tax?

Premiers or the PM — who will win the battle over the carbon tax?

The Pow­er & Pol­i­tics pan­el dis­cuss­es the ongo­ing clash between Prime…

Political Pulse panel: What's at stake for the Liberals following Conservative byelection victory?

Political Pulse panel: What's at stake for the Liberals following Conservative byelection victory?

Pow­er & Pol­i­tics’ pan­el of par­ty insid­ers is here to unpack this week in…

Political Pulse panel weighs in on long-awaited online harms legislation

Political Pulse panel weighs in on long-awaited online harms legislation

Pow­er & Pol­i­tics’ pan­el of par­ty insid­ers is here to unpack anoth­er busy…

Political Pulse Panel: Scathing AG report, Guilbeault’s roads controversy and pharmacare deadline

Political Pulse Panel: Scathing AG report, Guilbeault’s roads controversy and pharmacare deadline

It was a busy week in Ottawa pol­i­tics with an extreme­ly crit­i­cal report from…

Political Pulse Panel: Auto theft, gender policy dominate political conversation in Ottawa

Political Pulse Panel: Auto theft, gender policy dominate political conversation in Ottawa

Auto thefts across Cana­da and a new gen­der iden­ti­ty pol­i­cy in Alber­ta are…

Political Pulse panel: Parties go on the attack during the first week back in the House

Political Pulse panel: Parties go on the attack during the first week back in the House

The Polit­i­cal Pulse pan­el of par­ty insid­ers weigh in on the first week of the House…

Political Pulse panel: Federal parties prepare to face off as MPs return to Parliament

Political Pulse panel: Federal parties prepare to face off as MPs return to Parliament

The Lib­er­als’ reset ahead of Par­lia­men­t’s return did not go as planned. Three par­ty…

Political Pulse panel: Cabinet ministers set to regroup ahead of Parliament's return  CBC News 3.44M subscribers  Subscribe

Political Pulse panel: Cabinet ministers set to regroup ahead of Parliament's return CBC News 3.44M subscribers Subscribe

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau and his min­is­ters head to Mon­tréal on Sun­day for…

Political Pulse panel: How South Africa's genocide claim against Israel might play out in Canada

Political Pulse panel: How South Africa's genocide claim against Israel might play out in Canada

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has final­ly weighed in on Canada’s posi­tion on South…

Political Pulse panel: Stories to watch in 2024 | Power & Politics

Political Pulse panel: Stories to watch in 2024 | Power & Politics

Pow­er and Pol­i­tics’ pan­el of polit­i­cal insid­ers — Fred DeLorey, Greg MacEach­ern…

Political Pulse panel: Should the house speaker resign?

Political Pulse panel: Should the house speaker resign?

Embat­tled Speak­er Greg Fer­gus said he made a ​“seri­ous mis­take” film­ing…

Political Pulse panel: Debating the merits of the voting marathon carbon tax protest

Political Pulse panel: Debating the merits of the voting marathon carbon tax protest

Pow­er and Pol­i­tics’ pan­el of polit­i­cal insid­ers Fred DeLorey, Greg MacEach­ern and…

Political Pulse panel: Poilievre on the defensive over Ukraine vote, 'terror' question

Political Pulse panel: Poilievre on the defensive over Ukraine vote, 'terror' question

The Lib­er­als unveiled their fall eco­nom­ic update on Tues­day and Con­ser­v­a­tive…