Rick Bell

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Rick Bell.

Poilievre isn't scary, he thinks reality is 'bloody terrifying'

Poilievre isn't scary, he thinks reality is 'bloody terrifying'

Pierre Poilievre says there are those already try­ing to paint him as one scary dude.…

Poilievre says he's a normal guy, the Liberal-NDP are lunatics

Poilievre says he's a normal guy, the Liberal-NDP are lunatics

It takes mere sec­onds to real­ize the man is dead seri­ous. When he says the coun­try is…

Hey Toronto, took you long enough to figure out Trudeau

Hey Toronto, took you long enough to figure out Trudeau

Took you long enough. Yes, ear­li­er this week a swanky rid­ing in Toron­to saw the…

Danielle Smith punches back against Justin Trudeau — again

Danielle Smith punches back against Justin Trudeau — again

Pre­mier Danielle Smith insists she is not look­ing for a fight but if Prime…

Trudeau loves Guilbeault and all Danielle Smith got was a smile

Trudeau loves Guilbeault and all Danielle Smith got was a smile

This scrib­bler asks the ques­tion but I am not alone. Oth­er new­shounds fig­ure it…

TBA's David Parker speaks up after Premier Smith slams him down

TBA's David Parker speaks up after Premier Smith slams him down

Park­er is still with Take Back Alber­ta, still rais­ing mon­ey, run­ning cam­paigns,…

Cold Mother Earth shows up the folly of Trudeau and Guilbeault

Cold Mother Earth shows up the folly of Trudeau and Guilbeault

One thing about real­i­ty. You can’t talk your way around it for­ev­er. You can cook up…

Trudeau again tries to turn around the Liberal death march

Trudeau again tries to turn around the Liberal death march

If this was sup­posed to be a Hail Mary pass in the direc­tion of Trudeau’s…