Rosie DiManno

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Singh can say what he’d like, but there’s only one winner in his breakup with the Liberals

Singh can say what he’d like, but there’s only one winner in his breakup with the Liberals

The rooster crowed three times …Which doesn’t hold a candle to the cock who crowed 13 times (in English, didn’t count the French) on Thursday morning about ripping up the NDP-Liberal pre-nup that has kept Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s minority government in trembly power for the last 30 months.

Donald Trump leaves the stage bleeding as a violent nation looks set to explode

Donald Trump leaves the stage bleeding as a violent nation looks set to explode

They shoot presidents in America, don’t they?And former presidents. And ex-presidents taking a second run at the White House.

In the case of foreign interference, why not name names?

In the case of foreign interference, why not name names?

Justin Trudeau is a witless for the prosecution.The prime minister could, if he chose, disclose at least the most pertinent details that have been dangled with maddening obfuscation about foreign meddling in Canadian affairs. This is information that surely would be of keen interest to the citizenry.

Canada's flawed online harms bill and the U.K.'s misguided legislation on extremism are parts of a troubling trend

Canada's flawed online harms bill and the U.K.'s misguided legislation on extremism are parts of a troubling trend

It’s troubling how willingly some societies will forsake civil liberties in the name of a purportedly greater or more urgent cause.Because there are very few, if any, really, in a liberal democracy which eclipse precious rights of freedom of speech, assembly and beliefs. Even what most of us might condemn as outrageous expression or heretical — hateful —

At World Court, Israel provides methodical takedown — morally and legally — of genocide accusation

At World Court, Israel provides methodical takedown — morally and legally — of genocide accusation

One potato two potato three potato four …Two weeks after South Africa submitted its brief to the International Court of Justice accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza, long after many key allies of the Jewish state condemned the bid as grossly distorted and without merit, and hours after the hearing at The Hague had concluded, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau finally got around to picking a side.Uh … Israel. Sort of?

U.K. migration fight shows why we must stand up for asylum

U.K. migration fight shows why we must stand up for asylum

Restlessly, desperately, wretchedly, much of world humanity is on the risky move.By choice and by circumstance — fleeing conflict, fleeing persecution, fleeing poverty, fleeing catastrophe from climate change — millions of souls are seeking a better existence for themselves, for their children, by imperiling their lives, making the hazardous journey to foreign shores, often in unseaworthy, small, overcrowded boats, or as stowaways, and too frequently at the mercy of migrant smugglers. The United Nations Refugee Agency estimates that the number of people displaced globally has risen from 70.8 million to 108.4 million in the past five years.

Looking for glimmers of humanity amid the horrors of Hamas’s war with Israel

Looking for glimmers of humanity amid the horrors of Hamas’s war with Israel

A masked Hamas militant placing a gentle hand on an abducted Jewish child, leading the boy towards liberation.I want to believe that gesture was genuine and not merely a sham tableau scripted for the Hamas-produced propaganda footage from the Gaza side in the transition of hostages to Israel. That there is a common humanity, at least a vestige of it, in our species, whatever they believe, whatever their crimes, whatever they’ll die and kill for.

Hate crimes in Toronto ‘the likes of which we have never seen’

Hate crimes in Toronto ‘the likes of which we have never seen’

So much hate out there. So much hurt out there.Which are not the same thing. The law can’t prevent anyone from saying hurtful things, words that cut to the bone, and that is how it must be in a democracy that enshrines free speech. But a lot easier said when the invective isn’t aimed at you. When it is targeted, instead, at gays and Muslims and, most commonly over these past many weeks since the massacre raids by Hamas

Empathy for occupied Palestinians or brazen hatred for Israel?

Empathy for occupied Palestinians or brazen hatred for Israel?

Why the massive anti-Israel protests that engulfed major cities — including Toronto — on the weekend were beyond the pale.

We shouldn’t be scared to call Hamas what it is

We shouldn’t be scared to call Hamas what it is

Terrorists. Terrorists. Terrorists.Sadly, it does bear repeating apparently, to call Hamas what it is. Already — actually within hours — the barbaric and terrorist incursion into Israel a fortnight ago, the butchery of men, women, babies and the elderly, has been transformed into an act of justifiable resistance to the occupation of Gaza.