Stewart Bell

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Stewart Bell.

ISIS suspect came to Canada on student visa in June 2023, minister says

ISIS suspect came to Canada on student visa in June 2023, minister says

A Pak­istani man arrest­ed in Que­bec as he was alleged­ly on his way to New York to…

Conservatives call on government to disclose how latest ISIS suspect came to Canada

Conservatives call on government to disclose how latest ISIS suspect came to Canada

The Con­ser­v­a­tives have called on the gov­ern­ment to explain how a 20-year-old…

Tip about Toronto ISIS plot came from France

Tip about Toronto ISIS plot came from France

The inves­ti­ga­tion that result­ed in the arrests of two Toron­to men accused of…

Unsealed documents reveal past of Edmonton terror convict

Unsealed documents reveal past of Edmonton terror convict

An Edmon­ton gas sta­tion employ­ee con­vict­ed in the U.K. of a ter­ror­ism offence…

Toronto terror arrests raise questions about security screening

Toronto terror arrests raise questions about security screening

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is declin­ing to explain how a Toron­to man was able to…

Armed reservist who crashed truck into Rideau Hall looking for Trudeau released

Armed reservist who crashed truck into Rideau Hall looking for Trudeau released

A for­mer army reservist who crashed a truck loaded with weapons through the gates…

Documents reveal past of B.C. Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar’s alleged killer

Documents reveal past of B.C. Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar’s alleged killer

One of the alleged hit­men accused of killing B.C. Sikh tem­ple leader Hard­eep Singh…

Suspect in killing of temple leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar got student visa in days

Suspect in killing of temple leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar got student visa in days

One of the sus­pects accused of gun­ning down B.C. Sikh tem­ple leader Hard­eep Singh…

Foreign intelligence services are contracting out killings to gangs

Foreign intelligence services are contracting out killings to gangs

The arrests of three sus­pect­ed hit­men accused of killing a B.C. Sikh leader…

Winnipeg man was member of Chinese military branch behind cyber attacks on Canada, officials allege

Winnipeg man was member of Chinese military branch behind cyber attacks on Canada, officials allege

A mil­i­tary vet­er­an who spent 20 years in uni­form, Lieu­tenant Colonel Hua­jie…

Government threat report warns about attacks in Canada inspired by Hamas-Israel conflict

Government threat report warns about attacks in Canada inspired by Hamas-Israel conflict

The government’s ter­ror­ist threat assess­ment agency is warn­ing that extrem­ists…

Former Ontario nuclear plant operator employee charged in secretive leak case

Former Ontario nuclear plant operator employee charged in secretive leak case

A for­mer employ­ee of the Crown cor­po­ra­tion that oper­ates Ontario’s nuclear plants…

Exclusive: Ukrainian general wants Canada’s 83,000 decommissioned rockets

Exclusive: Ukrainian general wants Canada’s 83,000 decommissioned rockets

Ukrain­ian mil­i­tary leader is ask­ing Cana­da to hand over tens of thou­sands of…

Foreign interference networks ‘deeply embedded’ in Canadian politics, CSIS report says

Foreign interference networks ‘deeply embedded’ in Canadian politics, CSIS report says

For­eign inter­fer­ence net­works are ​“deeply embed­ded” in Cana­di­an pol­i­tics, and…

China tried to influence last two federal elections, says report released by CSIS

China tried to influence last two federal elections, says report released by CSIS

Cana­da knows Chi­na tried to influ­ence the last two fed­er­al elec­tions, accord­ing to…

Woman ordered deported over Chinese foreign interference

Woman ordered deported over Chinese foreign interference

Cana­di­an author­i­ties have issued a depor­ta­tion order against a Chi­nese…

Senior Iranian official caught in Toronto

Senior Iranian official caught in Toronto

Cana­da has launched a depor­ta­tion case against a senior Iran­ian…

Auditors allege Canadian charity helped Hamas financier

Auditors allege Canadian charity helped Hamas financier

A gov­ern­ment audit of one of Canada’s largest Mus­lim char­i­ties alleges some of its…