Tim Powers

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Tim Powers.

Hold the hypocrisy: Canadian leaders not practicing what they preach on political rhetoric

Hold the hypocrisy: Canadian leaders not practicing what they preach on political rhetoric

The after­math of the assas­si­na­tion attempt on for­mer Unit­ed States pres­i­dent…

Snap out of it: hair-trigger elections won’t save you

Snap out of it: hair-trigger elections won’t save you

Strat­e­gy can’t out­play the public’s deeply entrenched, times-up tem­pera­ment. The…

I know what political parties should do this summer

I know what political parties should do this summer

Par­lia­ment has recessed and sum­mer final­ly is upon us. How­ev­er, with a lit­tle…

The minister who cried capital gains

The minister who cried capital gains

The air of des­per­a­tion around the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment is grow­ing more intense. For…

Never-changing playlist of political hits growing stale

Never-changing playlist of political hits growing stale

The Vic­to­ria Day long week­end has come and gone. An elec­tion is still well more than…

Poilievre’s clarion call to corporate Canada

Poilievre’s clarion call to corporate Canada

Some­thing astound­ing hap­pened last week. No, it wasn’t all the non­sen­si­cal…

The road to climate hell is paved with muddled messaging

The road to climate hell is paved with muddled messaging

Last week wasn’t a great one on the cli­mate change front. If, like me, you know…

Listen to those who’ve fought in the mental-health trenches on MAID

Listen to those who’ve fought in the mental-health trenches on MAID

In recent weeks, both the Trudeau gov­ern­ment and the fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tives have…

Apples to oranges

Apples to oranges

Are you tired of all the nasty in pol­i­tics? Nasty for the sake of nasty, as if some­how…

Readying the spring-sitting scorecard

Readying the spring-sitting scorecard

Par­lia­ment returns next week after the hol­i­day break. While the prime min­is­ter was…

New year, old problems for Trudeau

New year, old problems for Trudeau

Anoth­er new year begins with a con­tro­ver­sy about a prime min­is­te­r­i­al…

Carbon-pricing course change drives Liberals into another self-made mess

Carbon-pricing course change drives Liberals into another self-made mess

Last week, I was for­tu­nate enough to be in France to attend the Rug­by World Cup…