Tom Mulcair

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Tom Mulcair.

Pierre Poilievre proves to be a quick study when it comes to damage control

Pierre Poilievre proves to be a quick study when it comes to damage control

It was Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre’s birth­day on Mon­day, but he could’ve…

With Trudeau spiralling, Mark Carney waits in the wings

With Trudeau spiralling, Mark Carney waits in the wings

When fed­er­al pub­lic ser­vice unions recent­ly threat­ened a sum­mer of…

Can Poilievre conquer the twin peaks of Quebec and the GTA before the next federal election?

Can Poilievre conquer the twin peaks of Quebec and the GTA before the next federal election?

There are two steep hills that Pierre Poilievre will have to climb if he hopes to turn…

Can Trudeau turn things around, or will he pack it in before the next election?

Can Trudeau turn things around, or will he pack it in before the next election?

Justin Trudeau is look­ing, and sound­ing, less and less engaged as he strug­gles through…

Poilievre's personal attacks a reflection of him

Poilievre's personal attacks a reflection of him

Pierre Poilievre’s tirade against Valérie Plante and Bruno Marc­hand, the may­ors of…

Poilievre keeps scoring into the Liberals' empty net

Poilievre keeps scoring into the Liberals' empty net

There real­ly does appear to be a surli­ness in the land, per­haps fuelled by…