Laura Osman

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Laura Osman.

Most Liberal MPs support Trudeau as leader: Freeland

Most Liberal MPs support Trudeau as leader: Freeland

OTTAWA — Deputy Prime Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land says she is ​“absolute­ly…

Trudeau to shuffle cabinet as four ministers say they won't seek re-election

Trudeau to shuffle cabinet as four ministers say they won't seek re-election

OTTAWA — With a sim­mer­ing mutiny plot in the back­bench­es and four more cab­i­net…

Trudeau to shuffle his cabinet as four more ministers won't run in next election

Trudeau to shuffle his cabinet as four more ministers won't run in next election

OTTAWA — Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is expect­ed to shuf­fle his cab­i­net again…

Trudeau to shuffle his cabinet as four ministers plan to step down

Trudeau to shuffle his cabinet as four ministers plan to step down

OTTAWA — Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is expect­ed to shuf­fle his cab­i­net yet again…

Trudeau appoints Daniel Rogers new head of Canada's spy agency

Trudeau appoints Daniel Rogers new head of Canada's spy agency

OTTAWA — A vet­er­an of Canada’s nation­al secu­ri­ty sys­tems has been named the…

Foreign interference inquiry resumes after damning accusations levied against India

Foreign interference inquiry resumes after damning accusations levied against India

The pub­lic safe­ty min­is­ter is expect­ed to tes­ti­fy at a fed­er­al inquiry into…

Foreign interference inquiry resumes after damning accusations levied against India

Foreign interference inquiry resumes after damning accusations levied against India

OTTAWA — The pub­lic safe­ty min­is­ter is expect­ed to tes­ti­fy at a fed­er­al…

RCMP alleges violent Indian criminal campaign, sparking diplomatic retaliations

RCMP alleges violent Indian criminal campaign, sparking diplomatic retaliations

OTTAWA — Accu­sa­tions of wide­spread vio­lent and crim­i­nal acts across Cana­da linked…

RCMP alleges Indian criminal campaign; six diplomats expelled

RCMP alleges Indian criminal campaign; six diplomats expelled

OTTAWA — Cana­da expelled six Indi­an diplo­mats from the coun­try on Mon­day as the RCMP…

RCMP alleges violent Indian criminal campaign, sparking diplomatic retaliations

RCMP alleges violent Indian criminal campaign, sparking diplomatic retaliations

OTTAWA — Accu­sa­tions of wide­spread vio­lent and crim­i­nal acts across Cana­da linked…

CP NewsAlert: India expels six Canadian diplomats over accusations against New Delhi

CP NewsAlert: India expels six Canadian diplomats over accusations against New Delhi

OTTAWA — India has expelled six Cana­di­an diplo­mats from the country.

RCMP warn of widespread violence, crime linked to India

RCMP warn of widespread violence, crime linked to India

OTTAWA — RCMP Com­mis­sion­er Michael Duheme is warn­ing of wide­spread vio­lence,…

CP NewsAlert: RCMP warn of widespread violence, crime linked to India

CP NewsAlert: RCMP warn of widespread violence, crime linked to India

OTTAWA — RCMP Com­mis­sion­er Michael Duheme is warn­ing of wide­spread vio­lence,…

RCMP alleges Indian officials in Canada connected to extortion, homicides

RCMP alleges Indian officials in Canada connected to extortion, homicides

RCMP alleges vio­lent Indi­an crim­i­nal cam­paign, spark­ing diplo­mat­ic retaliations

India to withdraw High Commissioner from Canada as he's named 'person of interest'

India to withdraw High Commissioner from Canada as he's named 'person of interest'

OTTAWA — India announced it will with­draw its High Com­mis­sion­er from Cana­da after…

Former public safety minister didn't know about delayed spy warrant, he tells inquiry

Former public safety minister didn't know about delayed spy warrant, he tells inquiry

OTTAWA — For­mer pub­lic safe­ty min­is­ter Bill Blair denies hav­ing any knowl­edge…

Senate passes Liberal, NDP bill to cover diabetes and birth control medication

Senate passes Liberal, NDP bill to cover diabetes and birth control medication

The phar­ma­care bill that was cen­tral to a polit­i­cal pact between the Lib­er­als…

Senate passes Liberal, NDP bill to cover diabetes and birth control medication

Senate passes Liberal, NDP bill to cover diabetes and birth control medication

OTTAWA — The phar­ma­care bill that was cen­tral to a polit­i­cal pact between the…

Poilievre supports mandatory drug, psychiatric treatment for kids, prisoners

Poilievre supports mandatory drug, psychiatric treatment for kids, prisoners

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre is in favour of manda­to­ry, invol­un­tary drug…

Poilievre supports mandatory drug, psychiatric treatment for kids, prisoners

Poilievre supports mandatory drug, psychiatric treatment for kids, prisoners

OTTAWA — Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre is in favour of manda­to­ry,…

Who will end the debate? Political gridlock continues in the House of Commons

Who will end the debate? Political gridlock continues in the House of Commons

OTTAWA — Fed­er­al polit­i­cal par­ties appear to be locked in a game of chick­en…

NDP house leader laments 'agents of chaos' in precarious Parliament

NDP house leader laments 'agents of chaos' in precarious Parliament

OTTAWA — NDP House leader Peter Julian said there’s more work his par­ty wants to get…

NDP house leader says House dysfunction will be a factor in future confidence votes

NDP house leader says House dysfunction will be a factor in future confidence votes

NDP House leader Peter Julian says there’s more his par­ty wants to do in Par­lia­ment…

NDP house leader says House dysfunction will be a factor in future confidence votes

NDP house leader says House dysfunction will be a factor in future confidence votes

OTTAWA — NDP House leader Peter Julian says there’s more his par­ty wants to do in…

Conservatives ask for lobbying probe into Mark Carney's Liberal adviser appointment

Conservatives ask for lobbying probe into Mark Carney's Liberal adviser appointment

The Con­ser­v­a­tives have asked Canada’s lob­by­ing com­mis­sion­er to inves­ti­gate…

Conservatives ask for lobbying probe into Mark Carney's Liberal adviser appointment

Conservatives ask for lobbying probe into Mark Carney's Liberal adviser appointment

Ottawa — The Con­ser­v­a­tives have asked Canada’s lob­by­ing com­mis­sion­er to…

Israel has a right to defend itself, but wider war must be avoided: Trudeau

Israel has a right to defend itself, but wider war must be avoided: Trudeau

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau con­demned Iran’s mis­sile attack on Israel Wednes­day,…

Israel has a right to defend itself, but wider war must be avoided: Trudeau

Israel has a right to defend itself, but wider war must be avoided: Trudeau

OTTAWA — Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau con­demned Iran’s mis­sile attack on Israel…

Vote on Liberal changes to capital gains tax in confidence measure delayed

Vote on Liberal changes to capital gains tax in confidence measure delayed

OTTAWA — A con­fi­dence vote on a gov­ern­ment bud­get motion may not hap­pen…

Bloc pushes government on pension pact as Liberals survive non-confidence vote

Bloc pushes government on pension pact as Liberals survive non-confidence vote

OTTAWA — The Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment sur­vived a sec­ond non-con­fi­dence vote in as…

Liberals survive second Conservative non-confidence vote in as many weeks

Liberals survive second Conservative non-confidence vote in as many weeks

OTTAWA — The Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment has sur­vived a sec­ond non-con­fi­dence vote in…

Bloc Quebecois to push Liberals on pension pact with opposition day motion

Bloc Quebecois to push Liberals on pension pact with opposition day motion

The Bloc Québé­cois will try to put the squeeze on the Lib­er­als today by call­ing for…

Bloc Quebecois to push Liberals on pension pact with opposition day motion

Bloc Quebecois to push Liberals on pension pact with opposition day motion

OTTAWA — The Bloc Québé­cois will try to put the squeeze on the Lib­er­als today by…

MPs set to vote on non-confidence motion, with similar votes to come

MPs set to vote on non-confidence motion, with similar votes to come

OTTAWA — Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment will vote today on a motion that could — but…

Poilievre makes case for taking down the government to restore 'promise of Canada'

Poilievre makes case for taking down the government to restore 'promise of Canada'

OTTAWA — Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre urged MPs to defeat the Lib­er­al…

House Speaker Greg Fergus asks MPs to behave better in question period after incident

House Speaker Greg Fergus asks MPs to behave better in question period after incident

OTTAWA — House of Com­mons Speak­er Greg Fer­gus gave MPs a stern warn­ing on…

House Speaker Greg Fergus asks MPs to behave better in question period after incident

House Speaker Greg Fergus asks MPs to behave better in question period after incident

House of Com­mons Speak­er Greg Fer­gus says he expects MPs to behave bet­ter than they…

House Speaker Greg Fergus asks MPs to behave better in question period after incident

House Speaker Greg Fergus asks MPs to behave better in question period after incident

OTTAWA — House of Com­mons Speak­er Greg Fer­gus says he expects MPs to behave bet­ter…

NDP to join Bloc in defeating Conservatives' non-confidence motion

NDP to join Bloc in defeating Conservatives' non-confidence motion

OTTAWA — NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh says he will join the Bloc Québé­cois in block­ing…

Health Minister Mark Holland appeals to Senate not to amend pharmacare bill

Health Minister Mark Holland appeals to Senate not to amend pharmacare bill

OTTAWA — Health Min­is­ter Mark Hol­land is urg­ing sen­a­tors not to tweak the…

Trudeau says 'all sorts of reflections' for Liberals after loss of second stronghold

Trudeau says 'all sorts of reflections' for Liberals after loss of second stronghold

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau say the Lib­er­als have ​“all sorts of reflec­tions” to…

Trudeau returns to Parliament after loss of second Liberal stronghold

Trudeau returns to Parliament after loss of second Liberal stronghold

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau will face his cab­i­net this morn­ing, just hours after…

Trudeau returns to Parliament after loss of second Liberal stronghold

Trudeau returns to Parliament after loss of second Liberal stronghold

OTTAWA — Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau will face his cab­i­net this morn­ing, just…

Voters head to the polls for byelections in Montreal and Winnipeg

Voters head to the polls for byelections in Montreal and Winnipeg

OTTAWA — Cana­di­ans in two fed­er­al rid­ings are choos­ing their next mem­ber of…

MPs return to Ottawa for what promises to be a boisterous sitting

MPs return to Ottawa for what promises to be a boisterous sitting

OTTAWA — Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment are back in Ottawa today to begin a busy and…

MPs to face new political realities on their return to Ottawa

MPs to face new political realities on their return to Ottawa

On Mon­day Par­lia­men­tar­i­ans will return to the famil­iar stone walls of West Block…

MPs to face new political realities on their return to Ottawa

MPs to face new political realities on their return to Ottawa

OTTAWA — On Mon­day Par­lia­men­tar­i­ans will return to the famil­iar stone walls of…

Carney interested in 'doing something, not being something,' he says of adviser role

Carney interested in 'doing something, not being something,' he says of adviser role

- For­mer Bank of Cana­da gov­er­nor Mark Car­ney says he’ll be advis­ing the Lib­er­al…

Carney interested in 'doing something, not being something,' he says of adviser role

Carney interested in 'doing something, not being something,' he says of adviser role

NANAIMO, B.C. — For­mer Bank of Cana­da gov­er­nor Mark Car­ney says he’ll be advis­ing…

Mark Carney to lead Liberal economic task force ahead of next election

Mark Carney to lead Liberal economic task force ahead of next election

NANAIMO, B.C. — For­mer Bank of Cana­da gov­er­nor Mark Car­ney will chair…

Trudeau to face fretful caucus ahead of return to the House

Trudeau to face fretful caucus ahead of return to the House

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau will face a fret­ful and strained cau­cus in British…

Trudeau to face fretful caucus ahead of return to the House

Trudeau to face fretful caucus ahead of return to the House

OTTAWA — Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau will face a fret­ful and strained cau­cus…

What's next for Singh and his broken political pact with Trudeau?

What's next for Singh and his broken political pact with Trudeau?

NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh may hold the key to trig­ger the next elec­tion now that he’s…

What's next for Singh and his broken political pact with Trudeau?

What's next for Singh and his broken political pact with Trudeau?

OTTAWA — NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh may hold the key to trig­ger the next elec­tion now…

Liberals sign school food deal with Newfoundland and Labrador

Liberals sign school food deal with Newfoundland and Labrador

OTTAWA — The fed­er­al Lib­er­als have signed a deal to expand school food pro­grams…

Multiple Jewish organizations, hospitals across Canada receive identical bomb threats

More than 100 syn­a­gogues, Jew­ish orga­ni­za­tions and doc­tors in mul­ti­ple cities…

Chief human-rights commissioner resigns after investigation into Israel comments

Chief human-rights commissioner resigns after investigation into Israel comments

OTTAWA — The recent­ly appoint­ed chief com­mis­sion­er of the Cana­di­an Human Rights…

Canada imposes sanctions on anniversary of fraudulent 2020 Belarus election

Canada imposes sanctions on anniversary of fraudulent 2020 Belarus election

OTTAWA — For­eign Affairs Min­is­ter Melanie Joly says Cana­da his imposed sanc­tions on…

Canada pulls diplomats' kids out of Israel as fear of broader war builds

Canada pulls diplomats' kids out of Israel as fear of broader war builds

The Cana­di­an gov­ern­ment says it decid­ed to pull its diplo­mats’ chil­dren and their…

Canada pulls diplomats' kids out of Israel as fear of broader war builds

Canada pulls diplomats' kids out of Israel as fear of broader war builds

OTTAWA — The Cana­di­an gov­ern­ment says it decid­ed to pull its diplo­mats’ chil­dren…