Mia Rabson

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Mia Rabson.

Conservatives say they have solution for online harassment after Liberals 'failed'

Conservatives say they have solution for online harassment after Liberals 'failed'

OTTAWA — Con­ser­v­a­tive MP Michelle Rem­pel Gar­ner says her par­ty will intro­duce…

China slams Canada over decision to introduce electric vehicle tariffs

China slams Canada over decision to introduce electric vehicle tariffs

Chi­na slammed Canada’s deci­sion to impose a 100 per cent import tar­iff on…

China slams Canada over decision to introduce electric vehicle tariffs

China slams Canada over decision to introduce electric vehicle tariffs

HALIFAX — Chi­na slammed Canada’s deci­sion to impose a 100 per cent import tar­iff…

Trudeau insists he still has what Canadians want, despite polling numbers

Trudeau insists he still has what Canadians want, despite polling numbers

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is reject­ing the sug­ges­tion that the Lib­er­als could…

Canada to hit China with tariffs on electric vehicles, aluminum, steel

Canada to hit China with tariffs on electric vehicles, aluminum, steel

HALIFAX — Cana­da is mov­ing to match the Unit­ed States with new tar­iffs on elec­tric…

Trudeau insists he still has what Canadians want, despite polling numbers

Trudeau insists he still has what Canadians want, despite polling numbers

Hal­i­fax — Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is reject­ing the sug­ges­tion that the…

Immigration, housing to headline cabinet retreat in Halifax Monday

Immigration, housing to headline cabinet retreat in Halifax Monday

Hous­ing and immi­gra­tion will take cen­tre stage today as the fed­er­al cab­i­net…

Immigration, housing to headline cabinet retreat in Halifax Monday

Immigration, housing to headline cabinet retreat in Halifax Monday

HALIFAX — Hous­ing and immi­gra­tion will take cen­tre stage today as the fed­er­al…

Feds identify 56 government properties for conversion to affordable housing

Feds identify 56 government properties for conversion to affordable housing

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has added 56 prop­er­ties to a new pub­lic lands bank of…

Feds identify 56 government properties for conversion to affordable housing

Feds identify 56 government properties for conversion to affordable housing

HALIFAX — The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has added 56 prop­er­ties to a new pub­lic…

Feds to take steps on housing promises ahead of cabinet retreat in Halifax

Feds to take steps on housing promises ahead of cabinet retreat in Halifax

HALIFAX — Hous­ing Min­is­ter Sean Fras­er is expect­ed to unveil details on…

Storm clouds still heavy around Liberals as cabinet meets for retreat in Halifax

Storm clouds still heavy around Liberals as cabinet meets for retreat in Halifax

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau will kick off a three-day cab­i­net retreat in…

Storm clouds still heavy around Liberals as cabinet meets for retreat in Halifax

Storm clouds still heavy around Liberals as cabinet meets for retreat in Halifax

OTTAWA — Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau will kick off a three-day cab­i­net retreat…

Multiple Jewish organizations, hospitals across Canada receive identical bomb threats

More than 100 syn­a­gogues, Jew­ish orga­ni­za­tions and doc­tors in mul­ti­ple cities…

One-third of Canadians report being personally impacted by severe weather: poll

One-third of Canadians report being personally impacted by severe weather: poll

OTTAWA — A new poll sug­gests more Cana­di­ans are feel­ing the direct impacts of…

Broke and broken: Report says Canada's public transit in critical funding state

Broke and broken: Report says Canada's public transit in critical funding state

OTTAWA — A new analy­sis warns that Canada’s major cities are strug­gling to keep…

Ottawa calls $8-million price tag for animal captivity bill speculative, premature

Ottawa calls $8-million price tag for animal captivity bill speculative, premature

OTTAWA — A pro­posed law to pro­hib­it keep­ing ele­phants and great apes in…

Feds fund health study for Indigenous communities downstream of oilsands

Feds fund health study for Indigenous communities downstream of oilsands

OTTAWA — More than three decades after Indige­nous lead­ers in north­ern Alber­ta began…

Tories reject allegation they are behind bot posts after Poilievre rally

Tories reject allegation they are behind bot posts after Poilievre rally

The Con­ser­v­a­tives say they have no con­nec­tion to a rash of con­spic­u­ous­ly…

Tories reject allegation they are behind bot posts after Poilievre rally

Tories reject allegation they are behind bot posts after Poilievre rally

OTTAWA — The Con­ser­v­a­tives say they have no con­nec­tion to a rash of…

Canada's global reputation suffering under Trudeau, Garneau asserts in autobiography

Canada's global reputation suffering under Trudeau, Garneau asserts in autobiography

For­mer for­eign affairs min­is­ter Marc Gar­neau says Cana­da has lost its stand­ing in…

Canada's global reputation suffering under Trudeau, Garneau asserts in autobiography

Canada's global reputation suffering under Trudeau, Garneau asserts in autobiography

OTTAWA — For­mer for­eign affairs min­is­ter Marc Gar­neau says Cana­da has lost its…

Canada to announce tariff plan for Chinese EV, battery imports following U.S., Europe

Canada to announce tariff plan for Chinese EV, battery imports following U.S., Europe

OTTAWA — Finance Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land is expect­ed to announce this morn­ing…

Eyes pinned to Toronto byelection as safe Liberal seat teeters under Trudeau

Eyes pinned to Toronto byelection as safe Liberal seat teeters under Trudeau

Leslie Church seemed to know exact­ly what was com­ing as she sat down for an inter­view…

MPs hit summer campaign circuit as election year looms

MPs hit summer campaign circuit as election year looms

OTTAWA — Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment poured out of the House of Com­mons into the sti­fling…

'Stupid' or 'unethical': Green leader suggests MPs should have asked more questions

'Stupid' or 'unethical': Green leader suggests MPs should have asked more questions

OTTAWA — Cur­rent mem­bers of Par­lia­ment iden­ti­fied in a secret report on…

Feds release carbon pricing impact data as cost debate rages

Feds release carbon pricing impact data as cost debate rages

OTTAWA — Canada’s green­house-gas emis­sions will be 12 per cent low­er in 2030 with…

Tories demand a 'secret' carbon pricing analysis Liberals say doesn't exist

Tories demand a 'secret' carbon pricing analysis Liberals say doesn't exist

OTTAWA — The Con­ser­v­a­tives are demand­ing that the Lib­er­als release what they call…

Tories demand a 'secret' carbon pricing analysis, Liberals say doesn't exist

Tories demand a 'secret' carbon pricing analysis, Liberals say doesn't exist

OTTAWA — The Con­ser­v­a­tives are demand­ing that the Lib­er­als release what they call…

Canada mulls Chinese EV tariff following U.S. move but is not committing to it

Canada mulls Chinese EV tariff following U.S. move but is not committing to it

Cana­da is look­ing at the mas­sive new U.S. import tar­iffs on Chi­nese-made elec­tric…

Canada mulls Chinese EV tariff following U.S. move but is not committing to it

Canada mulls Chinese EV tariff following U.S. move but is not committing to it

OTTAWA — Cana­da is look­ing at the mas­sive new U.S. import tar­iffs on Chi­nese-made…

Federal disaster aid for Fraser Valley floods, landslides taking too long: B.C. MP

Federal disaster aid for Fraser Valley floods, landslides taking too long: B.C. MP

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment esti­mates it will need to pay almost $3.4 bil­lion for its…

Conservative senator from Manitoba apologizes for 'losing my cool' on Senate floor

Conservative senator from Manitoba apologizes for 'losing my cool' on Senate floor

OTTAWA — Con­ser­v­a­tive Sen. Don Plett apol­o­gized Thurs­day after two female…

Canada promised to stop exporting unwanted plastic waste. But it’s still happening.

Canada promised to stop exporting unwanted plastic waste. But it’s still happening.

On the north­ern fringe of Myan­mar’s largest city is a town­ship of near­ly 300,000…

Most Canadians think lasting peace between Israel, Palestinians is not possible: poll

Most Canadians think lasting peace between Israel, Palestinians is not possible: poll

A major­i­ty of Cana­di­ans don’t think last­ing peace is pos­si­ble between Israelis and…