Top News
Company halts construction of $2.7B battery project in eastern Ontario

    Company halts construction of $2.7B battery project in eastern Ontario

    After break­ing ground in 2023, the com­pa­ny build­ing a plant to pro­duce bat­tery com­po­nents for elec­tric vehi­cles in a munic­i­pal­i­ty near Kingston, Ont., says it’s delay­ing con­struc­tion of the plant cit­ing a slow­down…

    This Liberal threatened to take a stand over Gaza. Now she's leading talks on anti-Palestinian racism

    This Liberal threatened to take a stand over Gaza. Now she's leading talks on anti-Palestinian racism

    MP Salma Zahid had threat­ened to resign from com­mit­tee roles but now stay­ing on. Two…

    Summer Good Talk -- Could Trudeau Do A Biden?

    Summer Good Talk -- Could Trudeau Do A Biden?

    Bruce and Chan­tal join me for a Sum­mer Good Talk and what a sum­mer it’s been…

    Canada downplays cost of meeting NATO spending mark as $60-billion projection will need to rise

    Canada downplays cost of meeting NATO spending mark as $60-billion projection will need to rise

    Although the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment has placed an annu­al price tag of $60-bil­lion on…

    'Time is running out': Experts call on Ottawa to increase efforts with U.S. on trade

    'Time is running out': Experts call on Ottawa to increase efforts with U.S. on trade

    A group of experts is sound­ing the alarm that Ottawa needs to swift­ly make more inroads…


    Supported by

    This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
    The Youth Shift: Understanding the Drift Away from the Liberals

    The Youth Shift: Understanding the Drift Away from the Liberals

    From June 20 to 25, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 1,926…

    Conservatives lead by 19 over the Liberals as party leader and government approval ratings hold steady.

    Conservatives lead by 19 over the Liberals as party leader and government approval ratings hold steady.

    From July 16 to 22, 2024 Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 2,000…


    From ‘sunny ways’ to cloudy days: Canadians have tired of Justin Trudeau

    From ‘sunny ways’ to cloudy days: Canadians have tired of Justin Trudeau

    Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau rose to pow­er in 2015 — and res­cued the Lib­er­al…

    Are we supposed to just sit and wait for Canada’s inevitable constitutional crisis?

    Are we supposed to just sit and wait for Canada’s inevitable constitutional crisis?

    One way or anoth­er, we are head­ed for a con­sti­tu­tion­al cri­sis: the only…


    Supported by

    Crown made a 'mockery' of treaty with 2 First Nations for 150 years, Supreme Court rules

    Crown made a 'mockery' of treaty with 2 First Nations for 150 years, Supreme Court rules

    For the past 150 years, the gov­ern­ments of Ontario and Cana­da have made a…

    Canada Is Poised to Delay Oil Pipeline Sale Until After 2025 Election

    Canada Is Poised to Delay Oil Pipeline Sale Until After 2025 Election

    Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s gov­ern­ment is like­ly to stall the sale of the Trans…

    Politician's Pen

    Supported by

    Climate Change: The "Per Capita" Measure is a Misleading Metric

    Climate Change: The "Per Capita" Measure is a Misleading Metric

    “Lies, damned lies, and sta­tis­tics” is a phrase often used to describe how…

    Facing a credit downgrade, Liberals fail to brand a new tax as “fair”.

    Facing a credit downgrade, Liberals fail to brand a new tax as “fair”.

    As any­one with cred­it cards, a mort­gage, stu­dent loans, or a car pay­ment…

    Opinion (Continued)

    The opioid crisis is hard to solve. Partisan politics isn't making it easier

    The opioid crisis is hard to solve. Partisan politics isn't making it easier

    The epi­dem­ic of opi­oid addic­tion is a real prob­lem. And there is a real…

    J.D. Vance, Pierre Poilievre, and how they slice their economic pie

    J.D. Vance, Pierre Poilievre, and how they slice their economic pie

    Last week, main­stream media colum­nist-turned-Sub­stack­er Paul Wells decid­ed to write…

    Canadians should resist the temptation of idealizing Kamala Harris. She’s just as protectionist as Biden

    Canadians should resist the temptation of idealizing Kamala Harris. She’s just as protectionist as Biden

    Don­ald Trump is right about one thing: ​“Kamala Har­ris is Joe Biden 2.0.″ Don’t wor­ry:…

    Doug Ford is correct to commit advertising dollars to local media but he’s wrong to use tax dollars to promote his party

    Doug Ford is correct to commit advertising dollars to local media but he’s wrong to use tax dollars to promote his party

    The Ontario government’s recent deci­sion to direct its four largest agen­cies to spend…

    The bankers' revolt against Canada's tidal wave of immigration

    The bankers' revolt against Canada's tidal wave of immigration

    I con­tin­ue to be weird­ed out by the unfa­mil­iar, almost uncan­ny nature of what…

    Journalists Are Becoming Cogs in the Outrage Machine

    Journalists Are Becoming Cogs in the Outrage Machine

    IN THE EARLY HOURS of July 14, just hours after an attempt­ed assas­si­na­tion of for­mer…

    It’s going to take more than a return to office to revitalize Downtown Ottawa
    We don’t seem interested in finding common ground anymore

    We don’t seem interested in finding common ground anymore

    “Rather than engage in per­son­al attacks, we should be debat­ing and dis­cussing issues…

    The Liberal ship is adrift. If the captain will not change course, will the crew?

    The Liberal ship is adrift. If the captain will not change course, will the crew?

    One begins to long for the deci­sive­ness and effi­cien­cy of the Amer­i­can polit­i­cal…

    Kamala Harris has entered the chat

    Kamala Harris has entered the chat

    Any­one else exhaust­ed from liv­ing in unprece­dent­ed times? On July 21, Unit­ed States…

    Why is this Woman Laughing? Kamala Harris, Seriously Happy Warrior

    Why is this Woman Laughing? Kamala Harris, Seriously Happy Warrior

    As a noto­ri­ous fan of Venn dia­grams, Kamala Har­ris has sure­ly con­tem­plat­ed…

    Liberal comms are an increasingly desperate cry for help

    Liberal comms are an increasingly desperate cry for help

    “The CEO of Elec­tions Cana­da has indi­cat­ed his oppo­si­tion to it, and let me just…

    In 48 hours, Kamala Harris became an unprecedented political lightning bolt. Is there a lesson for Justin Trudeau’s Liberals?

    In 48 hours, Kamala Harris became an unprecedented political lightning bolt. Is there a lesson for Justin Trudeau’s Liberals?

    It is rare that one event can upend an entire polit­i­cal land­scape overnight. But it…

    China aims to keep Mélanie Joly in line — is she even aware?

    China aims to keep Mélanie Joly in line — is she even aware?

    When­ev­er a Cana­di­an politi­cian trav­els abroad, it’s always use­ful to see how…

    How Scott Moe Moved Saskatchewan—and Canada—Further Right

    How Scott Moe Moved Saskatchewan—and Canada—Further Right

    ONE EVENING IN Jan­u­ary 2018, Scott Moe, a for­mer Saskatchewan envi­ron­ment…

    Whether it’s President Harris or President Trump, Canada will have an uphill battle after the U.S. election

    Whether it’s President Harris or President Trump, Canada will have an uphill battle after the U.S. election

    Let’s rec­og­nize that U.S. Pres­i­dent Joe Biden per­formed the rarest of polit­i­cal…

    What do you get when Big Tech mixes things up with populism? Let's keep an eye on JD Vance
    Does Joe Biden’s departure change things for ‘Team Canada’? Justin Trudeau has a plan, and he’s standing his ground

    Does Joe Biden’s departure change things for ‘Team Canada’? Justin Trudeau has a plan, and he’s standing his ground

    Justin Trudeau kept it sim­ple with his state­ment on Joe Biden’s deci­sion to bow out of…

    Fear ringed by anger defines the new GOP

    Fear ringed by anger defines the new GOP

    Pol­i­tics has always had its share of self-inter­est­ed fak­ers mas­querad­ing as…

    Why Canada Should Worry about Trump’s Second Coming

    Why Canada Should Worry about Trump’s Second Coming

    LATE IN APRIL 2023, prime-time broad­cast­er Tuck­er Carl­son was set to air, on Fox…

    Kamala Harris is better for Canada – and the world – than another Trump White House

    Kamala Harris is better for Canada – and the world – than another Trump White House

    There are good rea­sons to believe that a Kamala Har­ris admin­is­tra­tion would be…

    Nothing reflects better on Joe Biden’s long career than his decision to leave the presidential race. But it was still a political execution

    Nothing reflects better on Joe Biden’s long career than his decision to leave the presidential race. But it was still a political execution

    “Noth­ing in his life,” Shake­speare wrote in ​“Mac­beth” of a noble­man who faced…

    Biden’s Parting Gift to Democrats: The Chance to Prove They’re the Sane Alternative

    Biden’s Parting Gift to Democrats: The Chance to Prove They’re the Sane Alternative

    The momen­tous­ness of Joe Biden’s deci­sion Sun­day to with­draw from the 2024…

    I launched the Loblaw boycott. Here’s why the new Grocery Code of Conduct gives me hope

    I launched the Loblaw boycott. Here’s why the new Grocery Code of Conduct gives me hope

    For Cana­di­ans strug­gling with the cost of liv­ing cri­sis, some hope came this week:…

    Trump’s denunciation of green energy ‘scams’ a major headache for Trudeau

    Trump’s denunciation of green energy ‘scams’ a major headache for Trudeau

    Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s cli­mate change poli­cies could be thrown into chaos if…

    The equalization system may be headed for a reckoning

    The equalization system may be headed for a reckoning

    In a coun­try where Saskatchewan refus­es to col­lect car­bon tax­es for home…

    Fearmongering about ‘drug dens’ is making Canada’s crisis worse

    Fearmongering about ‘drug dens’ is making Canada’s crisis worse

    In an ide­al world, drug pol­i­cy would be decid­ed by pub­lic health experts rather than…

    Instead of calling an early election, maybe it’s time for Doug Ford to think about retiring

    Instead of calling an early election, maybe it’s time for Doug Ford to think about retiring

    Maybe he should go. No, I am not talk­ing about Justin Trudeau or Joe Biden.…

    Netanyahu adds to the anguish of October 7 by refusing a state inquiry

    Netanyahu adds to the anguish of October 7 by refusing a state inquiry

    Daniel­la Gilboa is a beau­ti­ful 20-year-old Israeli woman and the spit­ting image…

    Do not remain calm. A second Trump presidency really will be that bad

    Do not remain calm. A second Trump presidency really will be that bad

    No, it is not going to be okay. With a sec­ond Don­ald Trump pres­i­den­cy seem­ing…

    We had good reasons to worry about our political culture even before the Trump shooting

    We had good reasons to worry about our political culture even before the Trump shooting

    The attempt­ed assas­si­na­tion of Don­ald Trump has led, inevitably and jus­ti­fi­ably,…

    Donald Trump’s rambling disaster of a speech did something no one could have predicted: Give Democrats hope

    Donald Trump’s rambling disaster of a speech did something no one could have predicted: Give Democrats hope

    There was only one thing Don­ald Trump could do Thurs­day night to tru­ly shock the…

    There’s a troubling amount of churn at the top of Canada’s public service

    There’s a troubling amount of churn at the top of Canada’s public service

    Is Canada’s pub­lic ser­vice qui­et­ly prepar­ing for the change in gov­ern­ment that…

    News (Continued)

    The blaze in Jasper fueled a wider disinformation firestorm

    The blaze in Jasper fueled a wider disinformation firestorm

    As wild­fires scorch ever-larg­er parts of Cana­da and force thou­sands to evac­u­ate,…

    Helplessness and the Jasper inferno

    Helplessness and the Jasper inferno

    There’s a wash of emo­tions that sure­ly hit the fire­fight­ers hav­ing to retreat…

    LCBO strike seems to have given Doug Ford’s Tories a boost, but government’s poor approval rating is a warning sign, survey shows

    LCBO strike seems to have given Doug Ford’s Tories a boost, but government’s poor approval rating is a warning sign, survey shows

    Pre­mier Doug Ford’s Pro­gres­sive Con­ser­v­a­tives will drink to that. The first strike…

    Trump comeback could see familiar faces re-emerge — and they may spell trouble for Canada

    Trump comeback could see familiar faces re-emerge — and they may spell trouble for Canada

    Cana­di­ans are watch­ing the U.S. elec­tion cam­paign with more than their usu­al mix of…

    Trudeau minister shoots down ‘false’ claims from Republican senators about Canada’s immigration program for Palestinians

    Trudeau minister shoots down ‘false’ claims from Republican senators about Canada’s immigration program for Palestinians

    U.S. Repub­li­can sen­a­tors are mak­ing ​“cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly false” claims about…

    Buildings in Jasper in ashes after 'monster' wildfire rips through mountain community

    Buildings in Jasper in ashes after 'monster' wildfire rips through mountain community

    A wild­fire that roared into the com­mu­ni­ty of Jasper, Alta., late Wednes­day has left…

    With no sign of Justin Trudeau leaving, some Liberal MPs want major changes in his cabinet: ‘Clearly, what’s happening is not working’

    With no sign of Justin Trudeau leaving, some Liberal MPs want major changes in his cabinet: ‘Clearly, what’s happening is not working’

    Last week’s tiny cab­i­net change did noth­ing to appease those in Prime Min­is­ter…

    Poilievre vows to defund 'safer supply' drug policies, put money into treatment

    Poilievre vows to defund 'safer supply' drug policies, put money into treatment

    Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre says he will take all fed­er­al dol­lars out of…

    Norad says it has intercepted Chinese, Russian aircraft near Alaskan airspace

    Norad says it has intercepted Chinese, Russian aircraft near Alaskan airspace

    Norad says Cana­di­an and Amer­i­can fight­er jets have inter­cept­ed a group of…

    Poilievre says Ontario teenager's killing shows Liberal, NDP policies have failed

    Poilievre says Ontario teenager's killing shows Liberal, NDP policies have failed

    Oppo­si­tion Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre blames a nation­al rise in…

    DNA testing shows Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond ‘most likely’ has Indigenous ancestry she claimed: report

    DNA testing shows Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond ‘most likely’ has Indigenous ancestry she claimed: report

    The Law Soci­ety of British Colum­bia says DNA results from a test pro­vid­ed by…

    How Canadian businesses should prepare for a Donald Trump presidency

    How Canadian businesses should prepare for a Donald Trump presidency

    If busi­ness lead­ers haven’t already been talk­ing to their Amer­i­can sup­pli­ers and…

    Sale of envoy's NYC condo 'expected to exceed' $9M: government

    Sale of envoy's NYC condo 'expected to exceed' $9M: government

    The cur­rent offi­cial res­i­dence for Canada’s rep­re­sen­ta­tive in New York City is…

    Loblaw, George Weston to pay $500M for bread price-fixing scheme in record antitrust settlement

    Loblaw, George Weston to pay $500M for bread price-fixing scheme in record antitrust settlement

    Loblaw Cos. Ltd. and its par­ent com­pa­ny George West­on Ltd. say they have agreed to…

    Conservatives lead by 19 over the Liberals as party leader and government approval ratings hold steady.

    Conservatives lead by 19 over the Liberals as party leader and government approval ratings hold steady.

    From July 16 to 22, 2024 Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 2,000…

    Federal documents reveal what happened behind the scenes with Toronto’s request to decriminalize drugs

    Federal documents reveal what happened behind the scenes with Toronto’s request to decriminalize drugs

    Health Cana­da put dozens of ques­tions to Toron­to about the prac­ti­cal impli­ca­tions…

    Wildfire that roared into Jasper was a wall of fast-moving flame, says fire official

    Wildfire that roared into Jasper was a wall of fast-moving flame, says fire official

    One of two wild­fires threat­en­ing the his­toric resort town raged into Jasper…

    Pentagon warns of potential Russian action in the Arctic — including jamming GPS satellites

    Pentagon warns of potential Russian action in the Arctic — including jamming GPS satellites

    The Pen­ta­gon has released an updat­ed Arc­tic strat­e­gy that warns of low-lev­el…

    The federal NDP are stuck in neutral while its provincial parties find momentum

    The federal NDP are stuck in neutral while its provincial parties find momentum

    Nor­mal­ly the fed­er­al NDP gains sup­port when the Lib­er­als strug­gle, but that…

    Canada might struggle to rein in surge of temporary residents, Bank of Canada projects

    Canada might struggle to rein in surge of temporary residents, Bank of Canada projects

    The Bank of Cana­da is pro­ject­ing that the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment could fall short of…

    Ethics commissioner flags conflict at Sustainable Development and Technology Canada

    Ethics commissioner flags conflict at Sustainable Development and Technology Canada

    The ethics com­mis­sion­er says the for­mer chair of a foun­da­tion respon­si­ble…

    Canada's envoy to NYC called to testify about $9M condo purchase on 'Billionaires' Row'

    Canada's envoy to NYC called to testify about $9M condo purchase on 'Billionaires' Row'

    Canada’s Con­sul Gen­er­al in New York will have to explain the gov­ern­men­t’s deci­sion…

    Joe Biden was compelled to stand down — could Trudeau go next?

    Joe Biden was compelled to stand down — could Trudeau go next?

    On Sun­day after­noon, Justin Trudeau praised Joe Biden as an Amer­i­can patri­ot. ​“He’s…

    ‘Massive Conflict of Interest’: Opposition Parties Say LCBO President Should Resign, Face Investigation Over Role With Big Business Lobby Group

    ‘Massive Conflict of Interest’: Opposition Parties Say LCBO President Should Resign, Face Investigation Over Role With Big Business Lobby Group

    Ontario’s oppo­si­tion par­ties are call­ing for the LCBO’s Pres­i­dent to resign and…

    Bank of Canada cuts interest rate, signals more to come if inflation keeps dropping

    Bank of Canada cuts interest rate, signals more to come if inflation keeps dropping

    The Bank of Cana­da has decreased its pol­i­cy inter­est rate for the sec­ond…

    What a Harris-led USA would mean for Canada and the climate

    What a Harris-led USA would mean for Canada and the climate

    For­mer Prime Min­is­ter Pierre Trudeau famous­ly com­pared Canada‑U.S. rela­tions to…

    'A caucus sleepwalking to its death': Liberals show little interest in following U.S. Democrats' upheaval

    'A caucus sleepwalking to its death': Liberals show little interest in following U.S. Democrats' upheaval

    While devel­op­ments in U.S. pres­i­den­tial pol­i­tics unfold with light­ing speed,…

    Immigration Minister Marc Miller on international students, asylum seekers and life in the hotseat — plus an admission about one promise

    Immigration Minister Marc Miller on international students, asylum seekers and life in the hotseat — plus an admission about one promise

    It was a day after his con­stituen­cy office was found van­dal­ized, with win­dows…

    Privacy commissioner probing customers' claims they can't delete PC Optimum accounts

    Privacy commissioner probing customers' claims they can't delete PC Optimum accounts

    The Office of the Pri­va­cy Com­mis­sion­er of Cana­da says it’s opened an…

    Face supplant: minister recognition neither ‘net positive nor negative’ for Liberal election, leadership hopes, say politicos

    Face supplant: minister recognition neither ‘net positive nor negative’ for Liberal election, leadership hopes, say politicos

    The depar­ture of Sea­mus O’Regan from the Lib­er­als’ front bench will only fur­ther…

    One of Canada's new navy ships stopped in Hawaii after taking on water

    One of Canada's new navy ships stopped in Hawaii after taking on water

    One of the coun­try’s newest navy ships is tied up in a U.S. port after it sprung…

    BQ shows agitation as Poilievre's Conservatives drive a wedge into Quebec's politics

    BQ shows agitation as Poilievre's Conservatives drive a wedge into Quebec's politics

    Yves-François Blanchet’s recent rav­ing about his par­ty’s poll num­bers is unusu­al in…

    10 mansions that ‘common man’ Pierre Poilievre has fundraised in

    10 mansions that ‘common man’ Pierre Poilievre has fundraised in

    What do you get when a West­on, a Bronf­man, and a Stronach walk into…

    US Poli

    Barack and Michelle Obama endorse Kamala Harris, giving her expected but crucial support

    Barack and Michelle Obama endorse Kamala Harris, giving her expected but crucial support

    ATLANTA (AP) — For­mer Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma and for­mer first lady Michelle Oba­ma…

    Biden makes a case for his legacy  -  and for Harris to continue it  -  in his Oval Office address

    Biden makes a case for his legacy - and for Harris to continue it - in his Oval Office address

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Even though Pres­i­dent Joe Biden won’t be on the bal­lot i n…

    Biden uses Oval Office address to explain his decision to quit 2024 race, begins to shape legacy

    Biden uses Oval Office address to explain his decision to quit 2024 race, begins to shape legacy

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Insist­ing that ​“the defense of democ­ra­cy is more impor­tant than…

    Race Next Door #3 - Democrats and The Wall of Worry

    The Context

    The Context: Natural Health Products in Canada

      The Context: Natural Health Products in Canada

      The Con­text host Annette Goern­er sits down with Aaron Skel­ton, Pres­i­dent and CEO of…

      The Context: The state of critical work in Canada

        The Context: The state of critical work in Canada

        The Con­text host Annette Goern­er sits down with Der­rick Hynes, Pres­i­dent of…


        Supported by

        This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.
        Netanyahu meets with Trump at Mar-a-Lago, offering measured optimism on a Gaza cease-fire
        A beaming Trump welcomes Netanyahu to Mar-a-Lago, mending a yearslong rift with a key political ally

        A beaming Trump welcomes Netanyahu to Mar-a-Lago, mending a yearslong rift with a key political ally

        WASHINGTON (AP) — Clasp­ing his hand warm­ly, a beam­ing Don­ald Trump wel­comed…

        With uncertainty across the Atlantic, Europe worries about its own security

        With uncertainty across the Atlantic, Europe worries about its own security

        LONDON (AP) — When Don­ald Trump sug­gest­ed dur­ing the 2016 pres­i­den­tial cam­paign…

        Harris tells Netanyahu 'it is time' to end the war in Gaza and bring the hostages home

        Harris tells Netanyahu 'it is time' to end the war in Gaza and bring the hostages home

        WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris on Thurs­day said she urged Israeli…

        Melania Trump to tell her story in memoir, 'Melania,' scheduled for this fall

        Melania Trump to tell her story in memoir, 'Melania,' scheduled for this fall

        NEW YORK (AP) — For­mer first lady Mela­nia Trump has a mem­oir com­ing out this…

        Think Tank

        At China’s Third Plenum Xi Jinping Stays the Course

        At China’s Third Plenum Xi Jinping Stays the Course

        Chi­na’s third plenum, a once-every-five-years meet­ing of Chi­nese Com­mu­nist…

        Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly’s Trip to China: Expert Reactions

        Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly’s Trip to China: Expert Reactions

        On July 19, Cana­di­an Min­is­ter of For­eign Affairs Mélanie Joly met with her Chi­nese…

        Neo-idealism: Grand strategy for the future of the transatlantic community

        Neo-idealism: Grand strategy for the future of the transatlantic community

        It is time for a new strate­gic approach to defend and renew our soci­eties and the…


        A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

        Language czar probes CBC's posting of unilingual documents

        Language czar probes CBC's posting of unilingual documents

        Canada’s offi­cial lan­guages com­mis­sion­er has launched an inves­ti­ga­tion into…

        Why Americans say we spend too much on health care and not enough on warfare

        Why Americans say we spend too much on health care and not enough on warfare

        While Cana­di­an media out­lets joined with U.S. law­mak­ers in harangu­ing Prime…

        A small step forward for transparency

        A small step forward for transparency

        In Canada’s doom-laden realm of free­dom of infor­ma­tion, where bad news is endem­ic,…


        From Women, Peace, Security to Intelligence Mission Data

          From Women, Peace, Security to Intelligence Mission Data

          First, Char­lotte Duval-Lan­toine speaks to Ste­fanie von Hlatky about the new NATO…

          The Numbers: Trudeau's next byelection test

            The Numbers: Trudeau's next byelection test

            A byelec­tion call looms in LaSalle – Émard – Ver­dun in a con­test that could prove…

            Welcome to Paris! Here's a Canadian Olympic cheating scandal!

              Welcome to Paris! Here's a Canadian Olympic cheating scandal!

              The Paris games kicks off with the Open­ing Cer­e­monies today, but the Cana­di­an…

              Canadian treasure Jasper hit by wall of fire

                Canadian treasure Jasper hit by wall of fire

                Jasper is a his­toric resort town in west­ern Alber­ta’s Rocky Moun­tains,…