Top News
Pro-Palestinian student protests on university campuses further complicate electoral calculus for left-of-centre parties, say Liberal MPs

Pro-Palestinian student protests on university campuses further complicate electoral calculus for…

The ongo­ing pro-Pales­tin­ian protests at uni­ver­si­ty cam­pus­es across the coun­try are mak­ing the elec­toral cal­cu­lus even more com­pli­cat­ed among left-of-cen­tre par­ties, but espe­cial­ly for the Lib­er­als as a vote divide on the…

The navy is looking at deploying 'ghost fleets' — warships that don't need crews

The navy is looking at deploying 'ghost fleets' — warships that don't need crews

The Cana­di­an mil­i­tary is weigh­ing how many and what kind of ​“option­al­ly-crewed”…

'Our NATO allies are despairing': Retired general says Trudeau government failing on defence

'Our NATO allies are despairing': Retired general says Trudeau government failing on defence

For­mer sol­dier Andrew Leslie was once a Lib­er­al MP who advised Trudeau on…

Criminal trial of Freedom Convoy organizer Pat King begins today

Criminal trial of Freedom Convoy organizer Pat King begins today

The crim­i­nal tri­al of Pat King, one of the most promi­nent fig­ures asso­ci­at­ed with…

Trudeau Backs Away From Tax Threat on Apartment Owners

Trudeau Backs Away From Tax Threat on Apartment Owners

The gov­ern­ment of Justin Trudeau pulled back on a threat to hit some real estate…


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This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
Canada’s national party leaders have never been less popular, and 50 years of data demonstrates that

Canada’s national party leaders have never been less popular, and 50 years of data demonstrates that

Many pun­dits and observers have spec­u­lat­ed that pol­i­tics has ​“nev­er been this…

Federal Conservatives lead Liberals by 18 points > Support for NDP on the decline

Federal Conservatives lead Liberals by 18 points > Support for NDP on the decline

Con­ser­v­a­tive con­tin­ue to enjoy a com­fort­able lead over the Lib­er­als. Of…


Using evidence to inform health decisions — Canada’s Task Force on Preventive Health Care
Workin’ 9 to 5, that’s no way to make a livin’

Workin’ 9 to 5, that’s no way to make a livin’

The stereo­typ­i­cal ​“Ottawa” bureau­crat arous­es as much sym­pa­thy with the pub­lic…


RCMP boss expresses desire for new law to deal with threats against politicians

RCMP boss expresses desire for new law to deal with threats against politicians

RCMP com­mis­sion­er Mike Duheme says he wants the gov­ern­ment to look at draft­ing…

Palestinians seeking passage to Canada fight despair as Rafah campaign closes off their exit

Palestinians seeking passage to Canada fight despair as Rafah campaign closes off their exit

Near­ly 200 Pales­tini­ans have man­aged to escape Gaza and obtain approval to trav­el to…

Politician's Pen

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This section is sponsored by Canada's banks.
Pierre Poilievre and the Politics of Intimidation

Pierre Poilievre and the Politics of Intimidation

The extrem­ist fringe must feel over the moon. Thanks to recent actions by…

Why the silence on the Can’t Buy Silence Act?

Opinion (Continued)

Our American friends have a long history of dancing with demagogues

Our American friends have a long history of dancing with demagogues

It’s said that on Oct. 15, 1793, all of Marie Antoinette’s hair turned white. It’s…

Stormy Daniels could be American democracy’s only hope

Stormy Daniels could be American democracy’s only hope

Can an adult-film actress save the repub­lic from King Don­ald? Giv­en what is…

If Pierre Poilievre really hates lobbyists now, maybe he should talk to Justin Trudeau

If Pierre Poilievre really hates lobbyists now, maybe he should talk to Justin Trudeau

Susan Dela­court: Back in March, when Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre called…

Law and order should apply to politicians, too

Law and order should apply to politicians, too

Now that we’ve been there, done that and pos­si­bly bought the T‑shirt, can we all agree…

No one could outsmart or outword Rex Murphy — I miss you, my friend

No one could outsmart or outword Rex Murphy — I miss you, my friend

It’s with some hes­i­ta­tion that I try to put into words what Rex Mur­phy meant to…

We’ve seen claims of ‘Common Sense’ before and it wasn’t pretty

We’ve seen claims of ‘Common Sense’ before and it wasn’t pretty

Each time I hear Pierre Poilievre repeat his ​“com­mon sense” slo­gan, my mind leaps…

Political Pulse: Tensions rise in Parliament over safer drug supply and abortion rights

Political Pulse: Tensions rise in Parliament over safer drug supply and abortion rights

Three par­ty insid­ers dis­cuss how the tone of debate in Par­lia­ment has hit tox­ic new…

The foreign-interference scandal shows that it’s time to clean up Canada’s party nomination races

The foreign-interference scandal shows that it’s time to clean up Canada’s party nomination races

Of the many alle­ga­tions to sur­face before the pub­lic inquiry, led by Jus­tice…

Tax fairness has the potential to be a political winner

Tax fairness has the potential to be a political winner

Make the rich pay! It sounds like a win­ning slo­gan. Income inequal­i­ty is…

The dangerous potential of Poilievre’s promise to use Notwithstanding Clause

The dangerous potential of Poilievre’s promise to use Notwithstanding Clause

After weeks of rid­ing high in the polls, Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty of Cana­da leader…

Mark Carney keeps appearing like a ghost at Trudeau’s feast

Mark Carney keeps appearing like a ghost at Trudeau’s feast

Friends say Car­ney is not mes­sian­ic about a career in pol­i­tics, but he believes…

We need a law against lying in politics

We need a law against lying in politics

Of all the lies she’s told in her polit­i­cal career, Danielle Smith’s lat­est might be…

Pierre Poilievre’s MAGA-style refrain is wrong: Canada is bruised but not broken

Pierre Poilievre’s MAGA-style refrain is wrong: Canada is bruised but not broken

There are real pain points in our coun­try that need heal­ing. Per­haps the most…

Ottawa’s efforts to modernize regulations fail to prioritize public safety over profit

Ottawa’s efforts to modernize regulations fail to prioritize public safety over profit

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment intro­duced a recur­ring annu­al reg­u­la­to­ry…

Of course the keffiyeh is political. But it still shouldn’t be banned from Ontario’s legislature

Of course the keffiyeh is political. But it still shouldn’t be banned from Ontario’s legislature

Unless I mis­read their biogra­phies, I don’t believe NDP MPPs Kristyn Wong-Tam…

Poilievre’s clarion call to corporate Canada

Poilievre’s clarion call to corporate Canada

Some­thing astound­ing hap­pened last week. No, it wasn’t all the non­sen­si­cal…

CUPE is being held to account for its obsessive anti-Israel vitriol

CUPE is being held to account for its obsessive anti-Israel vitriol

Lawyer Kathryn Mar­shall is intent on show­ing there are con­se­quences by going after…

Poilievre to business: stop sucking up to Liberals and start sucking up to me

Poilievre to business: stop sucking up to Liberals and start sucking up to me

Ever since the Lib­er­als unveiled their sur­prise increase in the cap­i­tal-gains tax in…

Saskatoon MP blames Justin Trudeau for city's 2024 'murders'

Saskatoon MP blames Justin Trudeau for city's 2024 'murders'

Here in Saskatchewan, we’re used to hear­ing Justin Trudeau get blamed for prob­lems…

Liberal foreign interference bill won't stop Chinese meddling

Liberal foreign interference bill won't stop Chinese meddling

The most one can say about the Lib­er­als’ for­eign inter­fer­ence leg­is­la­tion is…

Pierre Poilievre is coming for your charter rights

Pierre Poilievre is coming for your charter rights

Most politi­cians would treat a 20-point lead in the polls as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to…

The Liberals’ delays on foreign interference carry profound costs

The Liberals’ delays on foreign interference carry profound costs

It’s 2024, and Justin Trudeau’s Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment has tabled the…

Bring back civility and morality to the House before it’s gone

Bring back civility and morality to the House before it’s gone

Work­places often expect pro­fes­sion­al­ism of their employ­ees, but rarely define what…

Pam Damoff’s departure a canary in the coal mine on polarization

Pam Damoff’s departure a canary in the coal mine on polarization

It wasn’t the biggest sto­ry com­ing out of Ottawa last week, but make no mis­take about…

The divestiture campaign at McGill and beyond is bound to fail. Maybe that’s the point

The divestiture campaign at McGill and beyond is bound to fail. Maybe that’s the point

The pro­test­ers entrenched on McGill University’s cam­pus have a straight­for­ward…

Justin Trudeau has thrived on being counted out. Now he’s facing tougher odds than ever

Justin Trudeau has thrived on being counted out. Now he’s facing tougher odds than ever

What’s ahead for Canada’s long-serv­ing prime min­is­ter and the gov­ern­ment he…

Pierre Poilievre doesn’t have anything nice to say. The Conservative leader is toxic and it’s infecting public discourse

Pierre Poilievre doesn’t have anything nice to say. The Conservative leader is toxic and it’s…

WHAT IS CANADA com­ing to? It’s a ques­tion in most people’s minds, fueled large­ly…

Acting like a petulant child paid off for Pierre Poilievre. Canada may not be so lucky

Acting like a petulant child paid off for Pierre Poilievre. Canada may not be so lucky

It was quite a week in Cana­di­an pol­i­tics. On Mon­day, Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader…

Justin Trudeau didn’t start the fire. But the Prime Minister helped stoke Canada’s political polarization

Justin Trudeau didn’t start the fire. But the Prime Minister helped stoke Canada’s political…

Justin Trudeau led the fed­er­al Lib­er­als into the 2015 elec­tion on a promise to…

We are not having enough babies and that’s a problem for all us

We are not having enough babies and that’s a problem for all us

It’s not rock­et sci­ence. Ensure fam­i­lies have access to afford­able, high-qual­i­ty…

Trudeau government keeps moving goalposts on climate targets

Trudeau government keeps moving goalposts on climate targets

A major prob­lem with eval­u­at­ing the effec­tive­ness of Prime Min­is­ter Justin…

Political Pulse Panel: This week in federal politics

Political Pulse Panel: This week in federal politics

Two big devel­op­ments on for­eign med­dling in Cana­da this week: police made arrests in…

Foreign interference: Who knew what when? You’ll have to wait until the inquiry’s final report

Foreign interference: Who knew what when? You’ll have to wait until the inquiry’s final report

Giv­en an impos­si­bly short dead­line to com­plete the ini­tial report of the pub­lic…

News (Continued)

Alberta NDP debate marked by agreement, until it came to Nenshi's record

Alberta NDP debate marked by agreement, until it came to Nenshi's record

The sec­ond offi­cial Alber­ta NDP lead­er­ship debate saw five can­di­dates eager­ly…

Police announce arrest of fourth suspect in B.C. Sikh activist Nijjar's death

Police announce arrest of fourth suspect in B.C. Sikh activist Nijjar's death

Police in British Colum­bia have charged a fourth Indi­an nation­al in last year’s…

How federal nominations became a ‘gateway’ to foreign interference

How federal nominations became a ‘gateway’ to foreign interference

Jus­tice Marie-Josée Hogue’s report into for­eign inter­fer­ence last week con­tained…

Ottawa turns to civilian first responders as another dire wildfire season approaches

Ottawa turns to civilian first responders as another dire wildfire season approaches

Instead of send­ing in the troops to deal with what promis­es to be anoth­er dan­ger­ous…

Canada's relations with Russia have slid to a post-Soviet low, ambassador says

Canada's relations with Russia have slid to a post-Soviet low, ambassador says

Canada’s top envoy in Moscow says rela­tions with post-Sovi­et Rus­sia are like­ly as bad…

Jim Peterson, retired Toronto MP and former Liberal trade minister, dead at 82

Jim Peterson, retired Toronto MP and former Liberal trade minister, dead at 82

Jim Peter­son, a retired Toron­to MP and for­mer Lib­er­al cab­i­net min­is­ter, has…

Poilievre’s promise to end deficits sets collision course with boomers

Poilievre’s promise to end deficits sets collision course with boomers

Gov­ern­ment deficits leave unpaid bills for younger gen­er­a­tions that are…

Canada abstains on Palestine recognition at UN, open to statehood before peace

Canada abstains on Palestine recognition at UN, open to statehood before peace

Cana­da has abstained from anoth­er Unit­ed Nations vote aimed at for­mal­ly…

State actor attempted to breach B.C. government systems in cyberattack

State actor attempted to breach B.C. government systems in cyberattack

The head of B.C.‘s pub­lic ser­vice has announced that there is a high degree of…

Canada pitches in $76 million for 'faster' German air-defence in Ukraine

Canada pitches in $76 million for 'faster' German air-defence in Ukraine

Defence Min­is­ter Bill Blair is announc­ing $76 mil­lion for an effort led by Ger­many…

Unions, experts call into question feds’ move to divest 50 per cent of property holdings while also calling for back-to-workplace policies

Unions, experts call into question feds’ move to divest 50 per cent of property holdings while also…

The gov­ern­ment is look­ing to divest half of its prop­er­ty hold­ings at the same time…

Good Talk - Is Three Days A Week At The Office Too Much?

Good Talk - Is Three Days A Week At The Office Too Much?

Lots up for dis­cus­sion on Good Talk this week — pub­lic ser­vice unions are fight­ing…

Rex Murphy, the sharp-witted intellectual who loved Canada, dies at 77

Rex Murphy, the sharp-witted intellectual who loved Canada, dies at 77

Rex Mur­phy, the loqua­cious and vol­u­ble Nation­al Post colum­nist, radio host and…

Hike developer charges and risk losing millions in funding, feds warn Ottawa

Hike developer charges and risk losing millions in funding, feds warn Ottawa

Canada’s hous­ing min­is­ter has a warn­ing for Ottawa city coun­cil: increase the…

Canada added 90,000 jobs in April, as unemployment stayed flat at 6.1%

Canada added 90,000 jobs in April, as unemployment stayed flat at 6.1%

The Cana­di­an econ­o­my gained 90,000 jobs in April, much high­er than many econ­o­mists…

Loblaws boycott isn’t hurting sales, suppliers say — in fact the grocer’s share price just hit a new high

Loblaws boycott isn’t hurting sales, suppliers say — in fact the grocer’s share price just hit a…

After more than a week, the Loblaw boy­cott doesn’t appear to have made a dent…

Trudeau: ‘Like a child star’

Trudeau: ‘Like a child star’

REGAL POLITICS — Jour­nal­ist STEPHEN MAHER has had a busy year and a half. He…

Immigration ministers to meet in Montreal over cuts to temporary visas

Immigration ministers to meet in Montreal over cuts to temporary visas

Fed­er­al and provin­cial min­is­ters are meet­ing in Mon­tréal Fri­day to hash out how…

After B.C.'s walk-back, uncertainty clouds Toronto decriminalization bid

After B.C.'s walk-back, uncertainty clouds Toronto decriminalization bid

Toronto’s bid to decrim­i­nal­ize the pos­ses­sion of ille­gal drugs for per­son­al use…

O’Regan asks labour board if some rail shipments should flow in event of strike or lockout

O’Regan asks labour board if some rail shipments should flow in event of strike or lockout

Labour Min­is­ter Sea­mus O’Regan has asked the fed­er­al labour board to exam­ine…

Police in riot gear order pro-Palestinian protesters to leave University of Calgary

Police in riot gear order pro-Palestinian protesters to leave University of Calgary

A pro−Palestinian protest at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­gary end­ed late Thurs­day after…

Trudeau cabinet minister tells her raw personal story in the House of Commons, on the same day two Conservative MPs attend anti-abortion rally

Trudeau cabinet minister tells her raw personal story in the House of Commons, on the same day two…

Fed­er­al cab­i­net min­is­ter Soraya Mar­tinez Fer­ra­da was deter­mined to put…

Are Tim Hortons' new lids 'woke'? One Conservative MP thinks so

Are Tim Hortons' new lids 'woke'? One Conservative MP thinks so

Con­ser­v­a­tive MP Lianne Rood says she has no time for Tims after the fast food chain…

The Green Party tried to move past an ugly internal rift with a new leadership model — but behind the scenes, some members are pushing back

The Green Party tried to move past an ugly internal rift with a new leadership model — but behind…

Some Green Par­ty mem­bers are call­ing for a new lead­er­ship elec­tion a year…

‘These documents tell a different story:’ Newly released records reignite questions about Premier Ford’s office’s involvement in the Greenbelt scandal

‘These documents tell a different story:’ Newly released records reignite questions about Premier…

A mem­ber of Pre­mier Doug Ford’s office attend­ed a pri­vate meet­ing with…

Business groups walk back claim on share of Canadians hit by capital gains changes

Business groups walk back claim on share of Canadians hit by capital gains changes

Promi­nent busi­ness groups are back­track­ing their claim that one in five Cana­di­ans…

Honda to announce new plant in Niagara Region: sources

Honda to announce new plant in Niagara Region: sources

Hon­da is mak­ing anoth­er splash in the Cana­di­an mar­ket. The glob­al automak­er is…

Competition Bureau to launch market study into airline sector

Competition Bureau to launch market study into airline sector

Canada’s Com­pe­ti­tion Bureau says it will begin a mar­ket study focused on the…

Sabrina Maddeaux suspends Conservative nomination campaign alleging misconduct

Sabrina Maddeaux suspends Conservative nomination campaign alleging misconduct

Polit­i­cal pun­dit Sab­ri­na Mad­deaux has sus­pend­ed her cam­paign to become…

U.K. takes aim at allies like Canada, wants higher NATO targets

U.K. takes aim at allies like Canada, wants higher NATO targets

Britain’s For­eign Sec­re­tary David Cameron is urg­ing the U.K.’s allies, includ­ing…

Could notwithstanding clause be used on abortion? Poilievre’s office says ‘never’

Could notwithstanding clause be used on abortion? Poilievre’s office says ‘never’

As an annu­al anti-abor­tion ral­ly pre­pares to gath­er on Par­lia­ment Hill, Lib­er­al…

A score-settling book by Brian Mulroney is being kept under wraps

A score-settling book by Brian Mulroney is being kept under wraps

In 2007, for­mer prime min­is­ter Bri­an Mul­roney pub­lished a mam­moth mem­oir. At…

Bank of Canada says financial system is stable, but risks remain

Bank of Canada says financial system is stable, but risks remain

The Bank of Cana­da says the Cana­di­an finan­cial sys­tem is sta­ble, but risks remain…


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This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.
Trump suggests Chinese migrants are in the US to build an 'army.' The migrants tell another story

    Trump suggests Chinese migrants are in the US to build an 'army.' The migrants tell another story

    NEW YORK (AP) — It was 7 a.m. on a recent Fri­day when Wang Gang,…

    Election deniers: West Virginia voters must pick from GOP candidates who still dispute 2020 outcome

      Election deniers: West Virginia voters must pick from GOP candidates who still dispute 2020 outcome

      CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — When West Vir­ginia Repub­li­cans vote in Tues­day’s pri­ma­ry,…

      For a second time, Sen. Bob Menendez faces a corruption trial. This time, it involves gold bars

        For a second time, Sen. Bob Menendez faces a corruption trial. This time, it involves gold bars

        NEW YORK (AP) — For the sec­ond time in a decade, U.S. Sen. Bob Menen­dez faces…

        Trump tells Jersey Shore crowd he's being forced to endure 'Biden show trial' in hush money case

          Trump tells Jersey Shore crowd he's being forced to endure 'Biden show trial' in hush money case

          WILDWOOD, N.J. (AP) — Sand­wiched between his appear­ances in court, Don­ald Trump…

          Controversy follows Gov. Kristi Noem as she is banned by two more South Dakota tribes

            Controversy follows Gov. Kristi Noem as she is banned by two more South Dakota tribes

            South Dako­ta Gov. Kristi Noem is now banned from enter­ing near­ly 20% of her state…

            Think Tank

            A bumpy road ahead: a critical assessment of Canada’s Electric Vehicle Availability Standard

            A bumpy road ahead: a critical assessment of Canada’s Electric Vehicle Availability Standard

            This paper exam­ines Canada’s plan to man­date that by 2035 100 per­cent of new vehi­cles…

            Group Up! A Case For Accelerated Canadian Submarine Procurement

            Group Up! A Case For Accelerated Canadian Submarine Procurement

            To any­one who been fol­low­ing defence relat­ed media of late, it will come as no…

            Decline and fall: Trends in family formation and fertility in Canada since 2001

            Decline and fall: Trends in family formation and fertility in Canada since 2001

            In this paper we exam­ine three ques­tions: do peo­ple gain sig­nif­i­cant­ly from being…


            A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

            A tribute to Canada's first information commissioner

            A tribute to Canada's first information commissioner

            Inger Hansen (1929−2013), Canada’s first infor­ma­tion com­mis­sion­er, knew some­thing…

            Is Trudeau a drag on Crombie? Maybe not

            Is Trudeau a drag on Crombie? Maybe not

            The Ontario Lib­er­als had hopes they could win last week’s provin­cial byelec­tion in…

            The access to information dumpster

            The access to information dumpster

            Good jour­nal­ists fre­quent­ly have barbed encoun­ters with flaks for gov­ern­ment…


            The Pretendian Crisis

              The Pretendian Crisis

              The pre­tendi­an phe­nom­e­non has been known and dis­cussed in indige­nous cir­cles for…

              Abortion, drug decriminalization dominate the political discussion

                Abortion, drug decriminalization dominate the political discussion

                Con­ser­v­a­tives this week ham­mered the gov­ern­ment on drug decrim­i­nal­iza­tion, but…

                New legislation to fight foreign interference

                  New legislation to fight foreign interference

                  At Issue this week | The Lib­er­als intro­duce new leg­is­la­tion to address for­eign…

                  Doug Ford's staying power

                    Doug Ford's staying power

                    Doug Ford’s Pro­gres­sive Con­ser­v­a­tives have been in pow­er in Ontario for near­ly…

                    Deterrence in Latvia feat. Gen Eyre

                      Deterrence in Latvia feat. Gen Eyre

                      On this episode of Defence Decon­struct­ed, Gen. Wayne Eyre out­lines the threats…

                      Is lobbying corrupting Canadian governments?

                        Is lobbying corrupting Canadian governments?

                        On Fri­day, Con­ser­v­a­tive leader Pierre Poilievre pub­lished an op-ed crit­i­ciz­ing…

                        John Risley on his big green hydrogen bet

                          John Risley on his big green hydrogen bet

                          This week on WONK, Clear­wa­ter Seafoods Inc. founder John Ris­ley talks to host Edward…

                          The Economics of the Trans Mountain Pipeline with Trevor Tombe

                            The Economics of the Trans Mountain Pipeline with Trevor Tombe

                            On this episode of the Ener­gy Secu­ri­ty Cubed Pod­cast, Kel­ly Ogle and Joe Cal­nan…