Top News
House Speaker Greg Fergus accused of using ‘very partisan’ language about Pierre Poilievre in ad promoting coming event

House Speaker Greg Fergus accused of using ‘very partisan’ language about Pierre Poilievre in ad…

House of Com­mons Speak­er Greg Fer­gus is fac­ing crit­i­cism over lan­guage used in an adver­tise­ment pro­mot­ing a com­ing event that a Con­ser­v­a­tive MP says is par­ti­san and inflam­ma­to­ry and shows Mr. Fer­gus is not fit to…

Ottawa is spending $1.7M for 10 new jobs at a pasta plant. Are these corporate subsidies worth it?

Ottawa is spending $1.7M for 10 new jobs at a pasta plant. Are these corporate subsidies worth it?

Feds and Ontario also dol­ing out $5B for 1,000 EV plant-relat­ed jobs, or $5M per job.…

‘There will be no magic meeting’: Lobbyists react to Poilievre’s attack on their profession

‘There will be no magic meeting’: Lobbyists react to Poilievre’s attack on their profession

Despite Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre’s call for busi­ness­es to ​“fire your…

Goodbye Dr. Google: Will AI Make Healthcare Smart?
Years later, fury still burns hot over COVID-19 restrictions — and even politicians who opposed them are feeling the heat

Years later, fury still burns hot over COVID-19 restrictions — and even politicians who opposed…

The pan­dem­ic may be wan­ing and restric­tions in the rear-view mir­ror, but this week…


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This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
NDP First, Conservatives Rise, United Plummets in British Columbia

NDP First, Conservatives Rise, United Plummets in British Columbia

Just over a third of British Columbians who vot­ed for the BC Lib­er­als in 2020 are…

Consumer confidence remains marginally positive

Consumer confidence remains marginally positive

Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…


Here’s what I learned from my conversation with Justin Trudeau: There’s only one way to fix Canada and everyone is going to hate it

Here’s what I learned from my conversation with Justin Trudeau: There’s only one way to fix Canada…

I was not a big believ­er in re-open­ing the con­sti­tu­tion, until Prime Min­is­ter…

Goodbye Dr. Google: Will AI Make Healthcare Smart?


Trudeau mum on International Criminal Court prosecution request as MPs react

Trudeau mum on International Criminal Court prosecution request as MPs react

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has not yet weighed in on a push from the…

Canada’s inflation rate cools to 2.7% as grocery prices ease further

Canada’s inflation rate cools to 2.7% as grocery prices ease further

The annu­al infla­tion rate slowed to 2.7 per cent in April, Sta­tis­tics Cana­da said…

Politician's Pen

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This section is sponsored by Canada's banks.
Be wary of mocking hatred of paper coffee cup lids.

Be wary of mocking hatred of paper coffee cup lids.

As with stars about to go super­no­va and die an explo­sive death, sure signs por­tend…

A New Era for Brampton: Phase 2 of the LRT is a feather in Premier Ford's cap

A New Era for Brampton: Phase 2 of the LRT is a feather in Premier Ford's cap

As May­or of Bramp­ton, Canada’s fastest-grow­ing large city, I am priv­i­leged to…

Opinion (Continued)

Canada needs to brace itself for a Trump dictatorship

Canada needs to brace itself for a Trump dictatorship

Don’t cosy up to your neigh­bour if he is a dic­ta­tor. Japan and Europe learned…

Do not weep for the Butcher of Tehran

Do not weep for the Butcher of Tehran

The announce­ment of Ebrahim Raisi’s death was as pro­tract­ed as the list of peo­ple he…

The UCP has ensured Alberta’s new ethics commissioner will never be seen as independent

The UCP has ensured Alberta’s new ethics commissioner will never be seen as independent

It’s clear that Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle Smith feels the wind is at her back. This is…

The Liberals lob their last-minute weapon 17 months from an election

The Liberals lob their last-minute weapon 17 months from an election

It seems a lit­tle ear­ly for the kitchen sink. But Justin Trudeau and his…

The day Indigenous Peoples took a major step forward in healing

The day Indigenous Peoples took a major step forward in healing

It’s been a long time since First Nations, Inu­it, and Métis came togeth­er. Before…

What happens when a thin-skinned political lifer becomes prime minister? We may be about to find out

What happens when a thin-skinned political lifer becomes prime minister? We may be about to find out

“You must be kid­ding.” That was one of the many emails I received in response to…

Democrats are running out of time as Donald Trump’s troubles are only making him stronger

Democrats are running out of time as Donald Trump’s troubles are only making him stronger

If there has even been such a thing as the world’s great­est cir­cus, this is…

Canadians need all the healthcare help we can get – don’t let Pharmacare make it harder
It’s Critical to get Canada’s Labour Policy Right
Pierre Poilievre is pretending he doesn’t know how his job works because it makes it easier

Pierre Poilievre is pretending he doesn’t know how his job works because it makes it easier

Justin Trudeau gave a press con­fer­ence this week about elec­tric vehi­cles, but…

If you thought Canada was over its separation anxiety, there’s an unpleasant surprise brewing

If you thought Canada was over its separation anxiety, there’s an unpleasant surprise brewing

It’s not a top­ic of con­ver­sa­tion in Eng­lish Cana­da. Men­tion ​“sep­a­ra­tion”…

Political Pulse Panel: Parties try to gain edge over break using wedge issues

Political Pulse Panel: Parties try to gain edge over break using wedge issues

The polit­i­cal pulse pan­el dis­cuss­es fed­er­al spar­ring amongst oth­er top sto­ries…

As Trudeau Liberals near-death experience deepens, they race around in vain hunt for allies

As Trudeau Liberals near-death experience deepens, they race around in vain hunt for allies

Chick­ens with their heads cut off run around in cir­cles. In pol­i­tics, the fed­er­al…

Plastic pollution is the new front in the culture war

Plastic pollution is the new front in the culture war

Last week, Lianne Rood decid­ed to take a stand. Appear­ing in a video…

Beverley McLachlin’s continued tenure on Hong Kong’s court is an ongoing disgrace

Beverley McLachlin’s continued tenure on Hong Kong’s court is an ongoing disgrace

Bev­er­ley McLach­lin has spent the past six years ser­vic­ing the rep­u­ta­tion of Hong…

Productivity Booster: Leveraging innovation, offering Canadian workers a path to prosperity on their terms
Unraveling Misrepresentation: Defending Métis Identity and History in Ontario
Using evidence to inform health decisions — Canada’s Task Force on Preventive Health Care
‘Useless and overpaid’ lobbyists sure are keeping Pierre Poilievre’s calendar busy

‘Useless and overpaid’ lobbyists sure are keeping Pierre Poilievre’s calendar busy

I’m not sure why Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre wrote an entire op-ed in the…

CBC’s president has a radical proposal to remake the CBC. Here’s why Canadians should reject it before it’s too late

CBC’s president has a radical proposal to remake the CBC. Here’s why Canadians should reject it…

The appoint­ment of a ​“mul­ti­me­dia expert” com­mit­tee to review the future of…

What Honda’s big electric vehicle announcement in Ontario really means

What Honda’s big electric vehicle announcement in Ontario really means

In ret­ro­spect, the turn­around — and just how fast it hap­pened — is dif­fi­cult to…

Pierre Poilievre hints he’d like to strip Canadians of some rights. There’s something to think about when it’s time to vote

Pierre Poilievre hints he’d like to strip Canadians of some rights. There’s something to think…

No one knows what the bal­lot-box ques­tion will be in the next elec­tion, when­ev­er it…

We’re trapped in a system where naysayers are in command

We’re trapped in a system where naysayers are in command

That was an atten­tion grab­ber: The Angus Reid Insti­tute put out an analy­sis last week…

Political disconnect leaving Liberals far behind

Political disconnect leaving Liberals far behind

I’m guess­ing no one can tell me off-hand how many pro­grams to sup­port Cana­di­ans, and…

A principled Canada would protect its Jews

A principled Canada would protect its Jews

Anti­semitism has imposed a per­va­sive and per­ni­cious dou­ble stan­dard on the…

An election about the Charter? What does the PM have to lose?

An election about the Charter? What does the PM have to lose?

The Char­ter of Rights, already reel­ing under Justin Trudeau, would take a final…

AI Crossroads: The Path Between Optimists and Avoiders
Mark Carney had a chance to weigh in one of the defining issues facing Canada. The answer he gave suggests he isn’t ready for public life

Mark Carney had a chance to weigh in one of the defining issues facing Canada. The answer he gave…

Mark Car­ney made a speech last week and many peo­ple had plen­ty to say about it.…

The NDP is getting outflanked — again

The NDP is getting outflanked — again

So close and yet so far. That was the sto­ry in the 2015 fed­er­al elec­tion for the NDP,…

Canada is spiralling into disorder under catch-and-release bail policies

Canada is spiralling into disorder under catch-and-release bail policies

Four peo­ple killed, includ­ing a baby and his grand­par­ents. A hor­rif­ic…

The housing challenges that Black Canadians face will require Ottawa’s focus

The housing challenges that Black Canadians face will require Ottawa’s focus

Since for­mal­ly endors­ing the Unit­ed Nations Inter­na­tion­al Decade for Peo­ple of…

A nomination system that’s not worth defending

A nomination system that’s not worth defending

When for­mer colum­nist Sab­ri­na Mad­deaux announced last week that she was sus­pend­ing…

Workin’ 9 to 5, that’s no way to make a livin’

Workin’ 9 to 5, that’s no way to make a livin’

The stereo­typ­i­cal ​“Ottawa” bureau­crat arous­es as much sym­pa­thy with the pub­lic…

News (Continued)

Trudeau making 'Team Canada' charm offensive in visit to Philadelphia

Trudeau making 'Team Canada' charm offensive in visit to Philadelphia

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is in Philadel­phia today, on his first trip south of the…

Goodbye Dr. Google: Will AI Make Healthcare Smart?

Goodbye Dr. Google: Will AI Make Healthcare Smart?

Are you part of the esti­mat­ed 6.5 mil­lion Cana­di­ans who don’t have a fam­i­ly…

The Race Next Door - #1

The Race Next Door - #1

Every two weeks until the Novem­ber Pres­i­den­tial Elec­tion in the US, I’ll post…

The 'Redmonton' party no more: Alberta NDP's base has shifted to Calgary

The 'Redmonton' party no more: Alberta NDP's base has shifted to Calgary

You don’t have to go far back — 2012, or four elec­tions ago — to find a time when…

Federal panel lists 35 'plausible' future threats to Canada and the world

Federal panel lists 35 'plausible' future threats to Canada and the world

Top­ping the list is the threat to soci­ety posed by dis­in­for­ma­tion and arti­fi­cial…

N.B. Liberal MP calls for loosened right whale protection measures to help fishermen

N.B. Liberal MP calls for loosened right whale protection measures to help fishermen

Acadie-Bathurst MP Serge Cormi­er says he can no longer defend his gov­ern­ment on the…

Ottawa under fire over not compelling companies to ask unions before hiring temporary foreign workers

Ottawa under fire over not compelling companies to ask unions before hiring temporary foreign…

Cana­di­an jobs are being lost to tem­po­rary for­eign work­ers because of…

Canada to launch 'national action plan' to fight auto theft

Canada to launch 'national action plan' to fight auto theft

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is launch­ing what it calls its ​“nation­al action plan” to…

The push to Parliament's summer hiatus is about to begin, here's what you need to know

The push to Parliament's summer hiatus is about to begin, here's what you need to know

When MPs file back in to the House of Com­mons on Tues­day, it will be for the final…

Iran President Ebrahim Raisi found dead at helicopter crash site, state media says

Iran President Ebrahim Raisi found dead at helicopter crash site, state media says

Iran­ian Pres­i­dent Ebrahim Raisi, the country’s for­eign min­is­ter and oth­ers have…

Trudeau internally announces provincial campaign co-chairs for next election, Liberal sources say

Trudeau internally announces provincial campaign co-chairs for next election, Liberal sources say

The next fed­er­al elec­tion is 18 months away, but Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has…

ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrant for Israeli and Hamas leaders, including Netanyahu

ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrant for Israeli and Hamas leaders, including Netanyahu

The chief pros­e­cu­tor of the Inter­na­tion­al Crim­i­nal Court said Mon­day he is…

Liberal MP John Aldag announces resignation, looks to run for NDP in B.C.

Liberal MP John Aldag announces resignation, looks to run for NDP in B.C.

Lib­er­al MP John Aldag has announced he’ll resign his seat lat­er this month, with the…

Nova Scotia byelection vote set for Tuesday in riding formerly held by popular Tory

Nova Scotia byelection vote set for Tuesday in riding formerly held by popular Tory

Vot­ers in the rur­al Nova Sco­tia provin­cial elec­toral dis­trict of Pic­tou West are…

Canadian immigration asks medical worker fleeing Gaza if he treated Hamas fighters

Canadian immigration asks medical worker fleeing Gaza if he treated Hamas fighters

Lawyers are ques­tion­ing Canada’s approach to screen­ing visa appli­ca­tions for peo­ple…

Walmart, Costco refusing to sign grocery code of conduct 'untenable': industry minister

Walmart, Costco refusing to sign grocery code of conduct 'untenable': industry minister

Indus­try Min­is­ter François-Philippe Cham­pagne says it’s ​“unten­able” for ​“small­er…

U.S. ambassador 'not aware' of any plans for Trudeau-Trump meeting

U.S. ambassador 'not aware' of any plans for Trudeau-Trump meeting

Canada’s Ambas­sador to the Unit­ed States says she’s ​“not aware” of any plans for Prime…

Trudeau schedules Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection for June 24

Trudeau schedules Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection for June 24

Vot­ers in a Toron­to rid­ing that has become a Lib­er­al strong­hold are…

Toronto’s denied drug decriminalization is a step ‘backwards,’ expert says

Toronto’s denied drug decriminalization is a step ‘backwards,’ expert says

Provinces and ter­ri­to­ries should not stop push­ing for drug decrim­i­nal­iza­tion…

New Democrats try out a sharper line of attack as Conservatives target NDP ridings

New Democrats try out a sharper line of attack as Conservatives target NDP ridings

New Democ­rats say they’re rolling out a new line of attack against the…

New head of Alberta oilsands group wants clarity from Poilievre on industrial carbon pricing

New head of Alberta oilsands group wants clarity from Poilievre on industrial carbon pricing

‘We’ve talked for 40 years about cli­mate change … and we’ve done very, very lit­tle…

CBC chief says broadcaster isn't making specific plans for loss of public subsidy

CBC chief says broadcaster isn't making specific plans for loss of public subsidy

Cather­ine Tait says pay­out of bonus­es will have lit­tle real effect on broadcaster’s…

Good Talk — Are The Liberals In Full Panic Mode?

Good Talk — Are The Liberals In Full Panic Mode?

New data from Nanos and the Globe and Mail sug­gests Cana­di­ans find nei­ther Justin…

Organizer of Montreal Israel rally snubbed Trudeau and me, Housefather says

Organizer of Montreal Israel rally snubbed Trudeau and me, Housefather says

A Toron­to Con­ser­v­a­tive MP addressed the crowd and a video of Con­ser­v­a­tive…

Ottawa rejects Toronto request to decriminalize drug possession

Ottawa rejects Toronto request to decriminalize drug possession

Addic­tions Min­is­ter Ya’ara Saks has reject­ed Toronto’s request to decrim­i­nal­ize…

Pierre Poilievre Voted Against Environment and Climate 400 Times, Records Show

Pierre Poilievre Voted Against Environment and Climate 400 Times, Records Show

Fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tive leader Pierre Poilievre has vot­ed against the envi­ron­ment…

Minister suggests Canada is considering tariffs on Chinese EVs following U.S. move

Minister suggests Canada is considering tariffs on Chinese EVs following U.S. move

Canada’s indus­try min­is­ter says Ottawa is ​“con­sid­er­ing all mea­sures” after the…

Moe says allegation Saskatchewan Party member brought gun into legislature is false

Moe says allegation Saskatchewan Party member brought gun into legislature is false

Saskatchewan Pre­mier Scott Moe says alle­ga­tions his gov­ern­ment house leader brought…

Former riding president alleges meddling in Conservative GTA nomination

Former riding president alleges meddling in Conservative GTA nomination

A for­mer Con­ser­v­a­tive is accus­ing par­ty brass of block­ing him from run­ning to be…

Ottawa Centre MP Naqvi says ‘no consensus’ on return-to-office issue from constituents following Treasury Board’s decree

Ottawa Centre MP Naqvi says ‘no consensus’ on return-to-office issue from constituents following…

Fol­low­ing Trea­sury Board’s decree that fed­er­al pub­lic ser­vice work­ers would have…

Toronto city councillor Jaye Robinson has died, her office says

Toronto city councillor Jaye Robinson has died, her office says

Toron­to city coun­cil­lor Jaye Robin­son has died. Her office con­firmed Fri­day that…

Most Canadians support abortion, one-third see Tories as least supportive: poll

Most Canadians support abortion, one-third see Tories as least supportive: poll

Eight in 10 Cana­di­ans back a woman’s right to an abor­tion and two in three don’t…

US Poli

Former Arizona GOP chair Kelli Ward pleads not guilty to felony charges in fake elector case

    Former Arizona GOP chair Kelli Ward pleads not guilty to felony charges in fake elector case

    PHOENIX (AP) — For­mer Ari­zona Repub­li­can Par­ty chair Kel­li Ward plead­ed not guilty…

    The Race Next Door - #1

    The Race Next Door - #1

    Every two weeks until the Novem­ber Pres­i­den­tial Elec­tion in the US, I’ll post…

    Trump-backed legislator, county sheriff face off for McCarthy's vacant US House seat in California

      Trump-backed legislator, county sheriff face off for McCarthy's vacant US House seat in California

      LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Cal­i­for­nia leg­is­la­tor backed by for­mer Pres­i­dent…

        Tuesday's primaries include presidential races and the prosecutor in Trump's Georgia election case

        The pres­i­den­tial pri­maries that Joe Biden and Don­ald Trump have already clinched…

        Kentucky congressman expects no voter fallout for his role in attempt to oust House speaker

          Kentucky congressman expects no voter fallout for his role in attempt to oust House speaker

          LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — Fresh off his role in a failed attempt to top­ple the House…


          Supported by

          This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.
          Flight PS752 victims' families say they're not sorry to hear of Iran president death

            Flight PS752 victims' families say they're not sorry to hear of Iran president death

            Mem­bers of a Cana­di­an group rep­re­sent­ing fam­i­lies of those killed when…

            Defense rests without Trump taking the witness stand in his New York hush money trial

              Defense rests without Trump taking the witness stand in his New York hush money trial

              NEW YORK (AP) — Don­ald Trump’s lawyers rest­ed their defense Tues­day with­out the…

              Seoul AI summit opens with companies including Google, Meta, OpenAI pledging to develop AI safely

                Seoul AI summit opens with companies including Google, Meta, OpenAI pledging to develop AI safely

                SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — The world’s lead­ing arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence com­pa­nies…

                Trump or Biden? Either way, US seems poised to preserve heavy tariffs on imports

                  Trump or Biden? Either way, US seems poised to preserve heavy tariffs on imports

                  WASHINGTON (AP) — As pres­i­dent, Don­ald Trump imposed a 25% tar­iff on for­eign…

                  Trump campaign calls Cannes film 'The Apprentice' 'blatantly false,' vows legal action

                    Trump campaign calls Cannes film 'The Apprentice' 'blatantly false,' vows legal action

                    CANNES, France (AP) — Don­ald Trump’s reelec­tion cam­paign called ​“The Appren­tice,”…

                    Think Tank

                    Roadblocks ahead: Internal barriers to trade in Canada’s truck transportation sector

                    Roadblocks ahead: Internal barriers to trade in Canada’s truck transportation sector

                    Canada’s truck trans­porta­tion sec­tor faces sig­nif­i­cant eco­nom­ic and legal…

                    TikTok – CHINA’S GLARING TROJAN HORSE: How Beijing uses the intensely addictive app for digital surveillance and influence operations

                    TikTok – CHINA’S GLARING TROJAN HORSE: How Beijing uses the intensely addictive app for digital…

                    Amidst the con­tro­ver­sies over the ​“Tik­Tok ban” is the strug­gle between free speech…

                    Let’s Rebuild the Foundation: Reinstating Canada’s Adult Literacy Knowledge Infrastructure Requires Federal Leadership

                    Let’s Rebuild the Foundation: Reinstating Canada’s Adult Literacy Knowledge Infrastructure Requires…

                    Lit­er­a­cy prac­ti­tion­ers used to have access to a once robust nation­al adult…


                    A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

                    What do Palestinians and Israeli hostage families share? A common enemy

                    What do Palestinians and Israeli hostage families share? A common enemy

                    Good morn­ing — here is your Sat­ur­day newslet­ter. I have record­ed an arti­cle…

                    A tribute to Canada's first information commissioner

                    A tribute to Canada's first information commissioner

                    Inger Hansen (1929−2013), Canada’s first infor­ma­tion com­mis­sion­er, knew some­thing…

                    Is Trudeau a drag on Crombie? Maybe not

                    Is Trudeau a drag on Crombie? Maybe not

                    The Ontario Lib­er­als had hopes they could win last week’s provin­cial byelec­tion in…


                    Who Trolled Amber: Canadaland recommends

                      Who Trolled Amber: Canadaland recommends

                      Today we’re bring­ing you some­thing a bit dif­fer­ent. It’s a pod­cast…

                      Spy chief warns Canadians of TikTok risks

                        Spy chief warns Canadians of TikTok risks

                        Canada’s spies have been busy this year. There have been accu­sa­tions of for­eign…

                        Charlie Angus on politics in 2024

                          Charlie Angus on politics in 2024

                          NDP MP Char­lie Angus is prepar­ing to wrap up a 20-year career in fed­er­al…

                          Party money: Is it time to change how we finance politics?

                            Party money: Is it time to change how we finance politics?

                            Hours after Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre was expelled from the House of…