Top News
New head of Alberta oilsands group wants clarity from Poilievre on industrial carbon pricing

New head of Alberta oilsands group wants clarity from Poilievre on industrial carbon pricing

‘We’ve talked for 40 years about cli­mate change … and we’ve done very, very lit­tle about it.’ Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre needs to clar­i­fy where he stands on indus­tri­al car­bon pric­ing, says the new head of a major…

The Race Next Door - #1

The Race Next Door - #1

Every two weeks until the Novem­ber Pres­i­den­tial Elec­tion in the US, I’ll post…

CBC chief says broadcaster isn't making specific plans for loss of public subsidy

CBC chief says broadcaster isn't making specific plans for loss of public subsidy

Cather­ine Tait says pay­out of bonus­es will have lit­tle real effect on broadcaster’s…

Former riding president alleges meddling in Conservative GTA nomination

Former riding president alleges meddling in Conservative GTA nomination

A for­mer Con­ser­v­a­tive is accus­ing par­ty brass of block­ing him from run­ning to be…

Ottawa rejects Toronto request to decriminalize drug possession

Ottawa rejects Toronto request to decriminalize drug possession

Addic­tions Min­is­ter Ya’ara Saks has reject­ed Toronto’s request to decrim­i­nal­ize…


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This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
Both Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre score poorly in terms of credibility.

Both Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre score poorly in terms of credibility.

Both Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre score poor­ly in terms of cred­i­bil­i­ty with…

BC NDP leads by 6 over the BC Conservatives as the gap closes from 18 to 6-points

BC NDP leads by 6 over the BC Conservatives as the gap closes from 18 to 6-points

From May 6 to 9, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a sur­vey of 1,000 eli­gi­ble…


Good Talk — Are The Liberals In Full Panic Mode?

Good Talk — Are The Liberals In Full Panic Mode?

New data from Nanos and the Globe and Mail sug­gests Cana­di­ans find nei­ther Justin…

Organizer of Montreal Israel rally snubbed Trudeau and me, Housefather says

Organizer of Montreal Israel rally snubbed Trudeau and me, Housefather says

A Toron­to Con­ser­v­a­tive MP addressed the crowd and a video of Con­ser­v­a­tive…

Politician's Pen

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This section is sponsored by Canada's banks.
Be wary of mocking hatred of paper coffee cup lids.

Be wary of mocking hatred of paper coffee cup lids.

As with stars about to go super­no­va and die an explo­sive death, sure signs por­tend…

A New Era for Brampton: Phase 2 of the LRT is a feather in Premier Ford's cap

A New Era for Brampton: Phase 2 of the LRT is a feather in Premier Ford's cap

As May­or of Bramp­ton, Canada’s fastest-grow­ing large city, I am priv­i­leged to…

Opinion (Continued)

If you thought Canada was over its separation anxiety, there’s an unpleasant surprise brewing

If you thought Canada was over its separation anxiety, there’s an unpleasant surprise brewing

It’s not a top­ic of con­ver­sa­tion in Eng­lish Cana­da. Men­tion ​“sep­a­ra­tion”…

Political Pulse Panel: Parties try to gain edge over break using wedge issues

Political Pulse Panel: Parties try to gain edge over break using wedge issues

The polit­i­cal pulse pan­el dis­cuss­es fed­er­al spar­ring amongst oth­er top sto­ries…

As Trudeau Liberals near-death experience deepens, they race around in vain hunt for allies

As Trudeau Liberals near-death experience deepens, they race around in vain hunt for allies

Chick­ens with their heads cut off run around in cir­cles. In pol­i­tics, the fed­er­al…

Plastic pollution is the new front in the culture war

Plastic pollution is the new front in the culture war

Last week, Lianne Rood decid­ed to take a stand. Appear­ing in a video…

Beverley McLachlin’s continued tenure on Hong Kong’s court is an ongoing disgrace

Beverley McLachlin’s continued tenure on Hong Kong’s court is an ongoing disgrace

Bev­er­ley McLach­lin has spent the past six years ser­vic­ing the rep­u­ta­tion of Hong…

Productivity Booster: Leveraging innovation, offering Canadian workers a path to prosperity on their terms
Unraveling Misrepresentation: Defending Métis Identity and History in Ontario
Using evidence to inform health decisions — Canada’s Task Force on Preventive Health Care
‘Useless and overpaid’ lobbyists sure are keeping Pierre Poilievre’s calendar busy

‘Useless and overpaid’ lobbyists sure are keeping Pierre Poilievre’s calendar busy

I’m not sure why Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre wrote an entire op-ed in the…

CBC’s president has a radical proposal to remake the CBC. Here’s why Canadians should reject it before it’s too late

CBC’s president has a radical proposal to remake the CBC. Here’s why Canadians should reject it…

The appoint­ment of a ​“mul­ti­me­dia expert” com­mit­tee to review the future of…

What Honda’s big electric vehicle announcement in Ontario really means

What Honda’s big electric vehicle announcement in Ontario really means

In ret­ro­spect, the turn­around — and just how fast it hap­pened — is dif­fi­cult to…

Pierre Poilievre hints he’d like to strip Canadians of some rights. There’s something to think about when it’s time to vote

Pierre Poilievre hints he’d like to strip Canadians of some rights. There’s something to think…

No one knows what the bal­lot-box ques­tion will be in the next elec­tion, when­ev­er it…

We’re trapped in a system where naysayers are in command

We’re trapped in a system where naysayers are in command

That was an atten­tion grab­ber: The Angus Reid Insti­tute put out an analy­sis last week…

Political disconnect leaving Liberals far behind

Political disconnect leaving Liberals far behind

I’m guess­ing no one can tell me off-hand how many pro­grams to sup­port Cana­di­ans, and…

A principled Canada would protect its Jews

A principled Canada would protect its Jews

Anti­semitism has imposed a per­va­sive and per­ni­cious dou­ble stan­dard on the…

An election about the Charter? What does the PM have to lose?

An election about the Charter? What does the PM have to lose?

The Char­ter of Rights, already reel­ing under Justin Trudeau, would take a final…

AI Crossroads: The Path Between Optimists and Avoiders
Mark Carney had a chance to weigh in one of the defining issues facing Canada. The answer he gave suggests he isn’t ready for public life

Mark Carney had a chance to weigh in one of the defining issues facing Canada. The answer he gave…

Mark Car­ney made a speech last week and many peo­ple had plen­ty to say about it.…

The NDP is getting outflanked — again

The NDP is getting outflanked — again

So close and yet so far. That was the sto­ry in the 2015 fed­er­al elec­tion for the NDP,…

Canada is spiralling into disorder under catch-and-release bail policies

Canada is spiralling into disorder under catch-and-release bail policies

Four peo­ple killed, includ­ing a baby and his grand­par­ents. A hor­rif­ic…

The housing challenges that Black Canadians face will require Ottawa’s focus

The housing challenges that Black Canadians face will require Ottawa’s focus

Since for­mal­ly endors­ing the Unit­ed Nations Inter­na­tion­al Decade for Peo­ple of…

A nomination system that’s not worth defending

A nomination system that’s not worth defending

When for­mer colum­nist Sab­ri­na Mad­deaux announced last week that she was sus­pend­ing…

Workin’ 9 to 5, that’s no way to make a livin’

Workin’ 9 to 5, that’s no way to make a livin’

The stereo­typ­i­cal ​“Ottawa” bureau­crat arous­es as much sym­pa­thy with the pub­lic…

Our American friends have a long history of dancing with demagogues

Our American friends have a long history of dancing with demagogues

It’s said that on Oct. 15, 1793, all of Marie Antoinette’s hair turned white. It’s…

Stormy Daniels could be American democracy’s only hope

Stormy Daniels could be American democracy’s only hope

Can an adult-film actress save the repub­lic from King Don­ald? Giv­en what is…

If Pierre Poilievre really hates lobbyists now, maybe he should talk to Justin Trudeau

If Pierre Poilievre really hates lobbyists now, maybe he should talk to Justin Trudeau

Susan Dela­court: Back in March, when Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre called…

Law and order should apply to politicians, too

Law and order should apply to politicians, too

Now that we’ve been there, done that and pos­si­bly bought the T‑shirt, can we all agree…

No one could outsmart or outword Rex Murphy — I miss you, my friend

No one could outsmart or outword Rex Murphy — I miss you, my friend

It’s with some hes­i­ta­tion that I try to put into words what Rex Mur­phy meant to…

We’ve seen claims of ‘Common Sense’ before and it wasn’t pretty

We’ve seen claims of ‘Common Sense’ before and it wasn’t pretty

Each time I hear Pierre Poilievre repeat his ​“com­mon sense” slo­gan, my mind leaps…

Political Pulse: Tensions rise in Parliament over safer drug supply and abortion rights

Political Pulse: Tensions rise in Parliament over safer drug supply and abortion rights

Three par­ty insid­ers dis­cuss how the tone of debate in Par­lia­ment has hit tox­ic new…

The foreign-interference scandal shows that it’s time to clean up Canada’s party nomination races

The foreign-interference scandal shows that it’s time to clean up Canada’s party nomination races

Of the many alle­ga­tions to sur­face before the pub­lic inquiry, led by Jus­tice…

Tax fairness has the potential to be a political winner

Tax fairness has the potential to be a political winner

Make the rich pay! It sounds like a win­ning slo­gan. Income inequal­i­ty is…

The dangerous potential of Poilievre’s promise to use Notwithstanding Clause

The dangerous potential of Poilievre’s promise to use Notwithstanding Clause

After weeks of rid­ing high in the polls, Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty of Cana­da leader…

News (Continued)

Pierre Poilievre Voted Against Environment and Climate 400 Times, Records Show

Pierre Poilievre Voted Against Environment and Climate 400 Times, Records Show

Fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tive leader Pierre Poilievre has vot­ed against the envi­ron­ment…

Minister suggests Canada is considering tariffs on Chinese EVs following U.S. move

Minister suggests Canada is considering tariffs on Chinese EVs following U.S. move

Canada’s indus­try min­is­ter says Ottawa is ​“con­sid­er­ing all mea­sures” after the…

Moe says allegation Saskatchewan Party member brought gun into legislature is false

Moe says allegation Saskatchewan Party member brought gun into legislature is false

Saskatchewan Pre­mier Scott Moe says alle­ga­tions his gov­ern­ment house leader brought…

Ottawa Centre MP Naqvi says ‘no consensus’ on return-to-office issue from constituents following Treasury Board’s decree

Ottawa Centre MP Naqvi says ‘no consensus’ on return-to-office issue from constituents following…

Fol­low­ing Trea­sury Board’s decree that fed­er­al pub­lic ser­vice work­ers would have…

Toronto city councillor Jaye Robinson has died, her office says

Toronto city councillor Jaye Robinson has died, her office says

Toron­to city coun­cil­lor Jaye Robin­son has died. Her office con­firmed Fri­day that…

Most Canadians support abortion, one-third see Tories as least supportive: poll

Most Canadians support abortion, one-third see Tories as least supportive: poll

Eight in 10 Cana­di­ans back a woman’s right to an abor­tion and two in three don’t…

Poilievre takes no position on hybrid work for federal public servants

Poilievre takes no position on hybrid work for federal public servants

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre is declin­ing to take a defin­i­tive…

Trudeau government cuts budget of Information Commissioner

Trudeau government cuts budget of Information Commissioner

Fed­er­al Infor­ma­tion Com­mis­sion­er Car­o­line May­nard says the Trudeau gov­ern­ment…

Members of Congress say Canada’s online streaming act discriminates against Americans

Members of Congress say Canada’s online streaming act discriminates against Americans

Nine­teen mem­bers of Con­gress say Canada’s online stream­ing act dis­crim­i­nates…

Intelligence chief warns Canadians that China can use TikTok to spy on them

Intelligence chief warns Canadians that China can use TikTok to spy on them

In some of his most hawk­ish com­ments to date, the head of Canada’s intel­li­gence…

Justin Trudeau says Canada’s conservative leaders threaten abortion rights

Justin Trudeau says Canada’s conservative leaders threaten abortion rights

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau said Thurs­day that Cana­di­an con­ser­v­a­tive lead­ers…

Canada and U.S. make first co-investment in critical minerals producers

Canada and U.S. make first co-investment in critical minerals producers

The Cana­di­an and U.S. gov­ern­ments say they’re co−investing in crit­i­cal min­er­al…

Fire threatening Fort McMurray could burn for weeks, maybe months

Fire threatening Fort McMurray could burn for weeks, maybe months

Cool­er tem­per­a­tures, calmer winds and rain have sub­dued the wild­fire threat­en­ing…

Poilievre would rather 'watch the country burn' than fight climate change: Trudeau

Poilievre would rather 'watch the country burn' than fight climate change: Trudeau

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says Oppo­si­tion Leader Pierre Poilievre’s pledges to…

Poilievre still won't say if he'll scrap government's capital gains tax hike

Poilievre still won't say if he'll scrap government's capital gains tax hike

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre was non­com­mit­tal Thurs­day when asked what…

Trudeau calls New Brunswick's Conservative government 'a disgrace' on women's rights

Trudeau calls New Brunswick's Conservative government 'a disgrace' on women's rights

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau assailed New Brunswick’s pre­mier and oth­er…

Canada sanctions 'extremist' Israeli settlers

Canada sanctions 'extremist' Israeli settlers

Cana­da is impos­ing sanc­tions on ​“extrem­ist” Israeli set­tlers in the West Bank,…

Loblaw agrees to sign grocery code of conduct after months of negotiations

Loblaw agrees to sign grocery code of conduct after months of negotiations

Loblaw Cos. Ltd. said Thurs­day it’s ready to sign on to the gro­cery code of con­duct,…

Can the federal government ban the 'Big Lie' in elections?

Can the federal government ban the 'Big Lie' in elections?

Giv­en the pre­pon­der­ance of ​“Big Lie” claims in the Unit­ed States that spread…

Ontario warns Toronto Public Health to drop drug decriminalization application

Ontario warns Toronto Public Health to drop drug decriminalization application

Ontario has warned Toron­to Pub­lic Health’s top doc­tor to drop the city’s drug…

Documents reveal past of B.C. Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar’s alleged killer

Documents reveal past of B.C. Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar’s alleged killer

One of the alleged hit­men accused of killing B.C. Sikh tem­ple leader Hard­eep Singh…

‘Unfortunate errors’ in Global Affairs contracts were ‘administrative oversight,’ MPs hear

‘Unfortunate errors’ in Global Affairs contracts were ‘administrative oversight,’ MPs hear

The con­tract­ing issues found in Glob­al Affairs Canada’s inter­nal audit were…

Watchdog groups call on House of Commons to close spending loophole

Watchdog groups call on House of Commons to close spending loophole

Two advo­ca­cy groups are call­ing on the House of Com­mons to close a loop­hole…

Federal political parties lose bid to keep tight hold on voter information in B.C. court ruling

Federal political parties lose bid to keep tight hold on voter information in B.C. court ruling

Fed­er­al polit­i­cal par­ties have lost their bid to keep tight con­trol over the…

Muslim, Jewish voters leaning away from the federal Liberals as Gaza war grinds on: poll

Muslim, Jewish voters leaning away from the federal Liberals as Gaza war grinds on: poll

A new poll sug­gests Mus­lim and Jew­ish vot­ers are lean­ing away from the fed­er­al…

Man accused in death of Sikh activist appeared in court just 2 days before the killing

Man accused in death of Sikh activist appeared in court just 2 days before the killing

Aman­deep Singh, the fourth man charged in con­nec­tion with the killing of promi­nent…

Ottawa getting ready to ditch costly, error-prone Phoenix pay system

Ottawa getting ready to ditch costly, error-prone Phoenix pay system

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is accel­er­at­ing plans to put the Phoenix pub­lic ser­vice…

The Liberals new CBC advisory panel may be too late to save it from Poilievre's defunding

The Liberals new CBC advisory panel may be too late to save it from Poilievre's defunding

‘The prob­lem now is that cre­at­ing a sense of com­mu­ni­ty through pub­lic…

Port Coquitlam Mayor Brad West considering leading merged BC United-Conservative party

Port Coquitlam Mayor Brad West considering leading merged BC United-Conservative party

Polit­i­cal winds of change are start­ing to blow and they are com­ing from the West.…

Canada will not become back door for diverted Chinese steel and aluminum: Ottawa

Canada will not become back door for diverted Chinese steel and aluminum: Ottawa

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment says it will not allow Cana­da to become a dump­ing…

Poll shows little optimism for Trudeau or Poilievre, points to ‘choose your poison’ election

Poll shows little optimism for Trudeau or Poilievre, points to ‘choose your poison’ election

The major­i­ty of Cana­di­ans have intense­ly neg­a­tive respons­es to both…

Extreme weather causing billions of dollars in damage, driving up insurance premiums: StatsCan

Extreme weather causing billions of dollars in damage, driving up insurance premiums: StatsCan

The increas­ing fre­quen­cy of extreme weath­er events across the coun­try has caused the…

Dwindling demand for Canadian crude will speed the clean energy transition ‘whether Alberta wants it or not’

Dwindling demand for Canadian crude will speed the clean energy transition ‘whether Alberta wants…

Slid­ing glob­al demand for Canada’s oil and gas pro­duc­tion between 2025 and 2050 will…


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This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.
Donald Trump will address the NRA in Texas. He's called himself the best president for gun owners

    Donald Trump will address the NRA in Texas. He's called himself the best president for gun owners

    DALLAS (AP) — For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump is expect­ed to address thou­sands of…

    Man convicted of attacking ex-Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer sentenced to 30 years

      Man convicted of attacking ex-Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer sentenced to 30 years

      SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The man con­vict­ed of attempt­ing to kid­nap then-House Speak­er…

      After blaming his 2020 loss on mail balloting, Trump tries to make GOP voters believe it's OK now

        After blaming his 2020 loss on mail balloting, Trump tries to make GOP voters believe it's OK now

        Mar­ta Moehring vot­ed the way she prefers in Nebraska’s Repub­li­can pri­ma­ry…

        NRA kicks off annual meeting as board considers successor to longtime leader Wayne LaPierre

          NRA kicks off annual meeting as board considers successor to longtime leader Wayne LaPierre

          DALLAS (AP) — The Nation­al Rifle Asso­ci­a­tion is kick­ing off its annu­al meet­ing…

          GOP tries to 'correct the narrative' on use of mailed ballots after years of conflicting messages

            GOP tries to 'correct the narrative' on use of mailed ballots after years of conflicting messages

            Mar­ta Moehring vot­ed the way she prefers in Nebraska’s Repub­li­can pri­ma­ry…

            Think Tank

            Roadblocks ahead: Internal barriers to trade in Canada’s truck transportation sector

            Roadblocks ahead: Internal barriers to trade in Canada’s truck transportation sector

            Canada’s truck trans­porta­tion sec­tor faces sig­nif­i­cant eco­nom­ic and legal…

            TikTok – CHINA’S GLARING TROJAN HORSE: How Beijing uses the intensely addictive app for digital surveillance and influence operations

            TikTok – CHINA’S GLARING TROJAN HORSE: How Beijing uses the intensely addictive app for digital…

            Amidst the con­tro­ver­sies over the ​“Tik­Tok ban” is the strug­gle between free speech…

            Let’s Rebuild the Foundation: Reinstating Canada’s Adult Literacy Knowledge Infrastructure Requires Federal Leadership

            Let’s Rebuild the Foundation: Reinstating Canada’s Adult Literacy Knowledge Infrastructure Requires…

            Lit­er­a­cy prac­ti­tion­ers used to have access to a once robust nation­al adult…


            A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

            A tribute to Canada's first information commissioner

            A tribute to Canada's first information commissioner

            Inger Hansen (1929−2013), Canada’s first infor­ma­tion com­mis­sion­er, knew some­thing…

            Is Trudeau a drag on Crombie? Maybe not

            Is Trudeau a drag on Crombie? Maybe not

            The Ontario Lib­er­als had hopes they could win last week’s provin­cial byelec­tion in…

            The access to information dumpster

            The access to information dumpster

            Good jour­nal­ists fre­quent­ly have barbed encoun­ters with flaks for gov­ern­ment…


            Spy chief warns Canadians of TikTok risks

              Spy chief warns Canadians of TikTok risks

              Canada’s spies have been busy this year. There have been accu­sa­tions of for­eign…

              Charlie Angus on politics in 2024

                Charlie Angus on politics in 2024

                NDP MP Char­lie Angus is prepar­ing to wrap up a 20-year career in fed­er­al…

                Party money: Is it time to change how we finance politics?

                  Party money: Is it time to change how we finance politics?

                  Hours after Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre was expelled from the House of…

                  Trudeau tries to explain his capital gains tax plan

                    Trudeau tries to explain his capital gains tax plan

                    At Issue this week | Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau pitch­es his cap­i­tal gains tax…