Top News
Post-Interest Rate Cut, Conservatives lead by 20 and Liberal vote share drops to lowest level since 2015.

Post-Interest Rate Cut, Conservatives lead by 20 and Liberal vote share drops to lowest level since 2015.

From June 6 to 13, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 1,550 Cana­di­an adults explor­ing sev­er­al top­ics relat­ed to Cana­di­an pol­i­tics and cur­rent events as part of our reg­u­lar nation­al omnibus sur­veys. In this…

Trudeau says he has 'concerns' about some findings of foreign interference report

Trudeau says he has 'concerns' about some findings of foreign interference report

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says he has con­cerns about some of the find­ings of…

Trudeau calls into question findings of stunning watchdog foreign interference report

Trudeau calls into question findings of stunning watchdog foreign interference report

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says he has con­cerns with how con­clu­sions were…

Foreign Affairs Minister insists there are no ‘traitors’ in Liberal caucus

Foreign Affairs Minister insists there are no ‘traitors’ in Liberal caucus

For­eign Affairs Min­is­ter Melanie Joly insists there are no ​“trai­tors” in the…

Canada promised an air defence system to Ukraine 18 months ago. It still hasn't arrived

Canada promised an air defence system to Ukraine 18 months ago. It still hasn't arrived

Ukraine’s min­is­ter of for­eign affairs, Dmytro Kule­ba, says his coun­try is in urgent…


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This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
Post-Interest Rate Cut, Conservatives lead by 20 and Liberal vote share drops to lowest level since 2015.

Post-Interest Rate Cut, Conservatives lead by 20 and Liberal vote share drops to lowest level since 2015.

From June 6 to 13, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 1,550…

Capitalgains tax changes will influence the vote of four in ten Canadians in the next federal election

Capitalgains tax changes will influence the vote of four in ten Canadians in the next federal election

The research gauged the opin­ions among Cana­di­ans on the impor­tance of changes to the…


For Poilievre, ignorance of the foreign interference report is not bliss

For Poilievre, ignorance of the foreign interference report is not bliss

The Nation­al Post’s Tristin Hop­per did a fine job this week explain­ing the…

Olivia Chow’s greatest vulnerability? Her friends

Olivia Chow’s greatest vulnerability? Her friends

Imag­ine the con­fu­sion. Toronto’s most labour friend­ly may­or in recent mem­o­ry and…


Trudeau says Russia needs to be accountable for 'genocide' of taking Ukrainian kids

Trudeau says Russia needs to be accountable for 'genocide' of taking Ukrainian kids

Rus­sia must be held account­able for ​“an ele­ment of geno­cide” it’s per­pe­trat­ing by…

Environment Canada says it can now rapidly link high-heat weather events to climate change

Environment Canada says it can now rapidly link high-heat weather events to climate change

Envi­ron­ment and Cli­mate Change Cana­da says it’s now able to pub­licly iden­ti­fy…

Politician's Pen

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Chrystia Freeland: A fairer tax system to benefit all Canadians

Chrystia Freeland: A fairer tax system to benefit all Canadians

Cap­i­tal gains changes will affect a small num­ber of well-off Cana­di­ans, but…

A woman has never led the Liberals. Why?

A woman has never led the Liberals. Why?

On Sun­day, Mex­i­co’s Pres­i­dent-elect Clau­dia Shein­baum became the first woman to…

Opinion (Continued)

“It’s bull——:” How Ottawa insiders really feel about Justin Trudeau’s handling of the foreign interference probe

“It’s bull——:” How Ottawa insiders really feel about Justin Trudeau’s handling of the foreign interference probe

Eighty years ago, cipher clerk Igor Gouzenko walked out of the Sovi­et embassy in Ottawa…

New research shows engaged women know that embracing Canadian energy can tackle affordability and make life easier. Will our government follow suit?

New research shows engaged women know that embracing Canadian energy can tackle affordability and make life easier. Will our government follow suit?

Whether it’s turn­ing on the lights, fill­ing up your tank, or adjust­ing the…

Political Pulse Panel: Federal leaders differ on intelligence report implications

Political Pulse Panel: Federal leaders differ on intelligence report implications

Par­ty insid­ers dis­cuss a week of rev­e­la­tions, con­fu­sion and con­tra­dic­tion…

Ottawa’s Response to the Trucker Protest Was Doomed from the Start

Ottawa’s Response to the Trucker Protest Was Doomed from the Start

THE STORY OF how Ottawa failed to deal effec­tive­ly with the three-week ​“Free­dom…

Poilievre wriggles out of the Liberal trap, with a commitment to much broader tax reform

Poilievre wriggles out of the Liberal trap, with a commitment to much broader tax reform

We would appear, as Woody Allen once said, to stand at a cross­roads: ​“One path…

Canada should give doctors every incentive to stay. By hiking capital gains, it’s doing the opposite

Canada should give doctors every incentive to stay. By hiking capital gains, it’s doing the opposite

There is one very good rea­son why the Lib­er­als could not enter­tain the request from…

Recalling a Prime Minister’s visit to Stirling on the Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen’s 150th birthday

Recalling a Prime Minister’s visit to Stirling on the Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen’s 150th birthday

All eyes were on tiny Stir­ling on August 11, 1920. Cana­da had a new prime…

Will someone please tell us already how exactly our democracy is being undermined?

Will someone please tell us already how exactly our democracy is being undermined?

If you ever stud­ied phi­los­o­phy you’ll be famil­iar with Plato’s alle­go­ry of the…

Ottawa’s cruising for another trade bruising from Donald Trump

Ottawa’s cruising for another trade bruising from Donald Trump

The sense that Trump would guar­an­tee Cana­da access to U.S. mar­kets under the…

Alberta's war room waves the white flag

Alberta's war room waves the white flag

When for­mer Alber­ta pre­mier Jason Ken­ney first intro­duced the idea of an oil and gas…

Canadian politicians are modelling the LGBTQ+ scapegoating of Eastern Europe

Canadian politicians are modelling the LGBTQ+ scapegoating of Eastern Europe

Anew report by Over Zero, a research and train­ing group found­ed in response to the…

Poilievre takes the dare When springing a trap, try not to give six weeks' notice

Poilievre takes the dare When springing a trap, try not to give six weeks' notice

Some­body should write a book about Justin Trudeau and box­ing metaphors. One…

Our toxic politics claims its latest victim

Our toxic politics claims its latest victim

At some point, even for the tough­est of cook­ies, enough is enough. After years of…

Pierre Poilievre’s vision for Canada: Heaven for the very rich and squat for everyone else

Pierre Poilievre’s vision for Canada: Heaven for the very rich and squat for everyone else

Pierre Poilievre often calls Cana­da ​“bro­ken,” but he rarely reveals that his dream…

A matter of expectations - Alberta and opioids III: You can't always just stop

A matter of expectations - Alberta and opioids III: You can't always just stop

Street fam­i­ly My tour guide for much of my vis­it to Edmon­ton was Dr. Mon­ty Ghosh,…

So many self-inflicted wounds, so few allies. Alberta's energy war room was long doomed

So many self-inflicted wounds, so few allies. Alberta's energy war room was long doomed

It was nev­er real­ly the war room that for­mer Alber­ta pre­mier Jason Ken­ney dreamed…

This country can always find plenty of reasons to do nothing about national security

This country can always find plenty of reasons to do nothing about national security

You must under­stand: there is noth­ing any­one can do. I know, I know. It is…

Stargate: AI’s $100 Billion Portal is Coming and Here’s What You Need to Know

Stargate: AI’s $100 Billion Portal is Coming and Here’s What You Need to Know

Microsoft and Ope­nAI have announced plans to build a $100 bil­lion super­com­put­er to…

The minister who cried capital gains

The minister who cried capital gains

The air of des­per­a­tion around the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment is grow­ing more intense. For…

Elizabeth May just schooled Pierre Poilievre and Justin Trudeau on the right way to handle foreign interference

Elizabeth May just schooled Pierre Poilievre and Justin Trudeau on the right way to handle foreign interference

Eliz­a­beth May real­ly knows how to wreck a par­ty. Just when it seemed like all of…

Doug Ford wants to steal Pierre Poilievre’s thunder for his own re-election bid

Doug Ford wants to steal Pierre Poilievre’s thunder for his own re-election bid

If you’re won­der­ing what keeps Doug Ford awake at night, how he spends every wak­ing…

Freeland’s futile capital gains gambit to embarrass the Conservatives

Freeland’s futile capital gains gambit to embarrass the Conservatives

Finance Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land appears to be attempt­ing to embar­rass Pierre…

Capital gains changes are nothing more than a middle-class tax hike — and voters know it

Capital gains changes are nothing more than a middle-class tax hike — and voters know it

Watch close­ly. That’s what Finance Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land wants Cana­di­ans to…

Party leaders have the ability to step up and clean house of alleged colluders

Party leaders have the ability to step up and clean house of alleged colluders

The shock­ing report released by the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty and Intel­li­gence Com­mit­tee…

Pierre Poilievre doesn’t want to talk about foreign interference

Pierre Poilievre doesn’t want to talk about foreign interference

Pierre Poilievre isn’t exact­ly known for hold­ing his tongue, least of all when it’s on…

NSICOP report more than a Pandora’s box of bad news for Canadian democracy

NSICOP report more than a Pandora’s box of bad news for Canadian democracy

The more secre­tive a soci­ety gets, the less demo­c­ra­t­ic it becomes. As The…

We were too quick to reject the ‘lab leaks’ theory. But we shouldn’t be quick to embrace it, either

We were too quick to reject the ‘lab leaks’ theory. But we shouldn’t be quick to embrace it, either

Sci­en­tists didn’t crack the who­dun­nit quick­ly. For years they didn’t know where the…

What could have been for reconciliation

What could have been for reconciliation

What could have been for rec­on­cil­i­a­tion, British Colum­bia, North­west…

Poilievre’s suggestion that businesses should lobby the people, not government, is problematic
Canadians have been told there might be traitors in Parliament. Why aren’t the Liberals and Conservatives running around like their heads are on fire?

Canadians have been told there might be traitors in Parliament. Why aren’t the Liberals and Conservatives running around like their heads are on fire?

Susan Dela­court: There is only one thing to write about this week, we both agree, and…

Trudeau wrong choice to lead fight against foreign interference

Trudeau wrong choice to lead fight against foreign interference

Here’s the most alarm­ing thing about Canada’s for­eign inter­fer­ence cri­sis. It’s that…

What you can learn about politics from Arnold Viersen’s trip to Pierre Poilievre’s woodshed

What you can learn about politics from Arnold Viersen’s trip to Pierre Poilievre’s woodshed

The pod­cast inter­view that earned Con­ser­v­a­tive MP Arnold Viersen a news­pa­per…

What else do you call it when people conspire against their own country?

What else do you call it when people conspire against their own country?

Of all the respons­es to the bomb­shell report of the Prime Minister’s nation­al…

News (Continued)

It’s common practice for MPs. But amid foreign-interference claims, some say it’s time for it to be banned

It’s common practice for MPs. But amid foreign-interference claims, some say it’s time for it to be banned

Star analy­sis finds it has hap­pened more than 100 times since 2016, when for­eign…

This isn’t just another byelection in Toronto — it might reveal the future for Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre. Here’s what’s at stake

This isn’t just another byelection in Toronto — it might reveal the future for Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre. Here’s what’s at stake

It’s a fas­ci­nat­ing polit­i­cal petri dish under the micro­scope by par­ties,…

Trudeau says co-operation coming with Modi, but short on specifics

Trudeau says co-operation coming with Modi, but short on specifics

India and Cana­da will co-oper­ate on a range of impor­tant issues, Prime Min­is­ter…

Good Talk - Treason, Traitors or Not?

Good Talk - Treason, Traitors or Not?

Who to believe? Who would you believe if you had a choice between believ­ing…

Canadians — and Liberals — split on giving the undocumented status: immigration minister

Canadians — and Liberals — split on giving the undocumented status: immigration minister

Immi­gra­tion Min­is­ter Marc Miller says the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is con­tin­u­ing to…

'We need to pull our weight': Top soldier on feds' defence spending record

'We need to pull our weight': Top soldier on feds' defence spending record

Out­go­ing Chief of the Defence Staff Gen. Wayne Eyre says Cana­da is unpre­pared to meet…

Naheed Nenshi has launched his political return. Is Alberta ready for him and his purple socks?

Naheed Nenshi has launched his political return. Is Alberta ready for him and his purple socks?

In those times when a truck-sized pipe shat­ters, throt­tling the water sup­ply to…

Trudeau won’t say if Liberal MPs allegedly conspired with foreign states

Trudeau won’t say if Liberal MPs allegedly conspired with foreign states

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau would not say if cur­rent mem­bers of the Lib­er­al…

Poilievre would accept CSIS briefing if spy agency has any concerns about his caucus or party

Poilievre would accept CSIS briefing if spy agency has any concerns about his caucus or party

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre’s office says Cana­di­an Secu­ri­ty…

PM travels to Switzerland for peace summit as Ukraine faces setbacks on the battlefield

PM travels to Switzerland for peace summit as Ukraine faces setbacks on the battlefield

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau heads to Switzer­land today for a peace sum­mit as…

Canadian warship sharing an anchorage with Russian vessels in Cuba

Canadian warship sharing an anchorage with Russian vessels in Cuba

The Roy­al Cana­di­an Navy now finds itself in the unusu­al posi­tion of both shad­ow­ing…

Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown turns to the U.S. for tips to solve Canada's auto theft problem

Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown turns to the U.S. for tips to solve Canada's auto theft problem

Bramp­ton May­or Patrick Brown trav­elled to the Port Newark Con­tain­er Ter­mi­nal in…

Protecting trainers Canada's priority as France pushes new mission in Ukraine, top soldier says

Protecting trainers Canada's priority as France pushes new mission in Ukraine, top soldier says

Pro­tect­ing mil­i­tary train­ers in the event they’re deployed back into Ukraine is the…

NDP leader says Han Dong shouldn't be allowed back into Liberal caucus

NDP leader says Han Dong shouldn't be allowed back into Liberal caucus

After read­ing an unredact­ed report from one of Canada’s intel­li­gence over­sight…

The Context: Natural Health Products in Canada

    The Context: Natural Health Products in Canada

    The Con­text host Annette Goern­er sits down with Aaron Skel­ton, Pres­i­dent and CEO of…

    Singh won't break pact with Liberals despite concern PM isn't protecting democracy

    Singh won't break pact with Liberals despite concern PM isn't protecting democracy

    Fed­er­al New Demo­c­rat Leader Jag­meet Singh is not will­ing to break ranks with the…

    Here's why voters in an upcoming byelection will be casting ballots nearly a metre long

    Here's why voters in an upcoming byelection will be casting ballots nearly a metre long

    When vot­ers in Toron­to-St. Paul’s go to the polls lat­er this month, they might be…

    ‘A permissive environment’: four security gaps flagged by NSICOP where Ottawa has been slow to act

    ‘A permissive environment’: four security gaps flagged by NSICOP where Ottawa has been slow to act

    The prospect of par­lia­men­tar­i­ans aid­ing for­eign pow­ers has cap­tured near-total…

    Pope Francis meets with Trudeau, warns leaders to approach AI responsibly

    Pope Francis meets with Trudeau, warns leaders to approach AI responsibly

    Pope Fran­cis met with Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau on Fri­day at the G7 sum­mit,…

    Charges laid against billionaire Frank Stronach involve 3 women, date back to 1980: court documents

    Charges laid against billionaire Frank Stronach involve 3 women, date back to 1980: court documents

    Sex­u­al assault charges laid against Cana­di­an busi­ness­man Frank Stronach(opens in…

    Some of Singh’s comments ‘too hot’ on foreign interference report: May

    Some of Singh’s comments ‘too hot’ on foreign interference report: May

    Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment are react­ing dif­fer­ent­ly to the for­eign inter­fer­ence…

    Trudeau, Modi meet for first time since Canada publicly accused India of Sikh leader's assassination

    Trudeau, Modi meet for first time since Canada publicly accused India of Sikh leader's assassination

    Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau and Indi­a’s Prime Min­is­ter Naren­dra Modi have met for…

    Defence Minister Bill Blair says more help coming for Ukraine, Latvia

    Defence Minister Bill Blair says more help coming for Ukraine, Latvia

    Canada’s min­is­ter of defence says the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is com­mit­ted to…

    Jagmeet Singh says he is 'more concerned' after reading NSICOP report, calls named MPs 'traitors'

    Jagmeet Singh says he is 'more concerned' after reading NSICOP report, calls named MPs 'traitors'

    NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh said he is more con­vinced than ever that fel­low…

    Stephen Poloz says no to pension mandate reviews in push to boost investment in Canada

    Stephen Poloz says no to pension mandate reviews in push to boost investment in Canada

    For­mer Bank of Cana­da gov­er­nor Stephen Poloz said he will not push the country’s…

    NDP's Jagmeet Singh says report shows 'a number of MPs' have helped foreign states

    NDP's Jagmeet Singh says report shows 'a number of MPs' have helped foreign states

    NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh says a recent spy watch­dog report shows a ​“num­ber of…

    Tories appeal to Jewish community ahead of byelection, allege 'betrayal' by Trudeau

    Tories appeal to Jewish community ahead of byelection, allege 'betrayal' by Trudeau

    The fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tives are ask­ing the Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty in a Toron­to…

    Bank of Canada Defends Bond Buying, Guidance During Pandemic

    Bank of Canada Defends Bond Buying, Guidance During Pandemic

    A Bank of Cana­da offi­cial defend­ed the use of quan­ti­ta­tive eas­ing and…

    Liberals ‘got what they wanted’ on capital gains vote, but success depends on which ‘narrative wins out,’ say observers

    Liberals ‘got what they wanted’ on capital gains vote, but success depends on which ‘narrative wins out,’ say observers

    Now that the Con­ser­v­a­tives have come out against the cap­i­tal gains tax hike, the…

    Following Conservative attacks, government releases internal data on the impact of carbon pricing

    Following Conservative attacks, government releases internal data on the impact of carbon pricing

    The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has released its esti­mate of the impact of car­bon pric­ing…

    Canada to contribute $5B toward Ukraine loan, source says as G7 leaders meet in Italy

    Canada to contribute $5B toward Ukraine loan, source says as G7 leaders meet in Italy

    A senior gov­ern­ment source says Cana­da is pre­pared to con­tribute $5 bil­lion toward…

    Canada sending 2,000 decommissioned CRV7 rocket motors to Ukraine

    Canada sending 2,000 decommissioned CRV7 rocket motors to Ukraine

    The Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment says it will start ship­ping decom­mis­sioned CRV7 rock­et…

    US Poli

    Hollywood stars help Biden raise $28 million during a fundraiser featuring dire warnings about Trump

    Hollywood stars help Biden raise $28 million during a fundraiser featuring dire warnings about Trump

    LOS ANGELES (AP) — Some of Hol­ly­wood’s bright­est stars head­lined a glitzy…

    Trump once defied the NRA to ban bump stocks. He now says he 'did nothing' to restrict guns

    Trump once defied the NRA to ban bump stocks. He now says he 'did nothing' to restrict guns

    Less than six years ago, then-Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump took on the influ­en­tial gun…

    Senate Republicans block bill on women's right to IVF as Democrats make push on reproductive care

    Senate Republicans block bill on women's right to IVF as Democrats make push on reproductive care

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen­ate Repub­li­cans blocked leg­is­la­tion that would make it…

    Trump returns to Capitol Hill and whips up Republican lawmakers in first meeting since Jan. 6 attack

    Trump returns to Capitol Hill and whips up Republican lawmakers in first meeting since Jan. 6 attack

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Don­ald Trump made a tri­umphant return Thurs­day to Capi­tol…

    The Context

    The Context: Natural Health Products in Canada

      The Context: Natural Health Products in Canada

      The Con­text host Annette Goern­er sits down with Aaron Skel­ton, Pres­i­dent and CEO of…

      The Context: The state of critical work in Canada

        The Context: The state of critical work in Canada

        The Con­text host Annette Goern­er sits down with Der­rick Hynes, Pres­i­dent of…


        Supported by

        This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.
        An ounce of prevention: Now is the time to take action on H5N1 avian flu, because the stakes are enormous

        An ounce of prevention: Now is the time to take action on H5N1 avian flu, because the stakes are enormous

        Bird flu pos­es a mas­sive threat, and the poten­tial for a cat­a­stroph­ic new…

        The White House isn't ruling out a potential commutation for Hunter Biden after his conviction

        The White House isn't ruling out a potential commutation for Hunter Biden after his conviction

        ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (AP) — The White House is not rul­ing out a poten­tial…

        President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, is convicted of all 3 felonies in federal gun trial

        President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, is convicted of all 3 felonies in federal gun trial

        WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Hunter Biden was con­vict­ed Tues­day of all three felony charges…

        Jurors will resume deliberations in the federal gun case against President Joe Biden's son Hunter

        Jurors will resume deliberations in the federal gun case against President Joe Biden's son Hunter

        WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Jurors will resume delib­er­a­tions Tues­day in the crim­i­nal…

        EU election: despite uncertainty, major division on trade unlikely, experts say

        EU election: despite uncertainty, major division on trade unlikely, experts say

        Experts say Canada’s trade rela­tion­ship with the Euro­pean Union isn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly…

        Think Tank

        Canada’s Security Classification Framework: The Biggest Impediment to Realizing Our Digital Ambition

        Canada’s Security Classification Framework: The Biggest Impediment to Realizing Our Digital Ambition

        In 2022, the Gov­ern­ment of Cana­da, under the lead­er­ship of the Chief Infor­ma­tion…

        Eurasian North – The geopolitics of Russia and China in the Arctic

        Eurasian North – The geopolitics of Russia and China in the Arctic

        What should be our expec­ta­tions of the Chi­na-Rus­sia rela­tion­ship in the Arc­tic?…

        Hard constraints – The supply and demand of NATO in the Indo-Pacific

        Hard constraints – The supply and demand of NATO in the Indo-Pacific

        Ana­lysts and pol­i­cy-mak­ers increas­ing­ly rec­og­nize that the Euro-Atlantic and the…


        A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

        Shackleton's last ship was a dud for polar exploration

        Shackleton's last ship was a dud for polar exploration

        Sir Ernest Shackleton’s last expe­di­tion ship, which was locat­ed on the seafloor off…

        Traffic jam on RCMP car lots

        Traffic jam on RCMP car lots

        A three-year freeze on the sale of used RCMP vehi­cles has cre­at­ed such huge stor­age…

        New Brunswick election still a toss-up

        New Brunswick election still a toss-up

        New Brunswick’s elec­tion is lit­tle more than four months away, but the out­come is no…


        The divide over undocumented migrants in Canada

          The divide over undocumented migrants in Canada

          The world is grap­pling with a migra­tion issue, and Canada’s immi­gra­tion…

          Green Party Leader Elizabeth May explains the foreign interference report

            Green Party Leader Elizabeth May explains the foreign interference report

            Green Par­ty Leader Eliz­a­beth May is one of just a few MPs who have seen the…

            Foreign interference: to be alarmed, or not to be alarmed?

              Foreign interference: to be alarmed, or not to be alarmed?

              At Issue this week: NDP leader Jag­meet Singh says he’s more alarmed than ever after…

              Listener questions on the year’s biggest politics stories

                Listener questions on the year’s biggest politics stories

                The spring sit­ting on Par­lia­ment Hill is com­ing to a close. There’s been…